EVA Report – April 19th

Crew 297 EVA 7 Report 19-4-2024
EVA # 7

Author: Sarah Lamm

Purpose of EVA: Team B for the NPS Project will travel to 300 m northwest of Cowboy Corner (based on the NPS location that Team A had chosen), and search a 250 m radius for the NPS. Once found, we will continued to explore the region for geological exploration.

Start Time: 1:00 PM

End Time: 2:28 PM

Narrative: Crew arrived at the destination about 30 minutes after leaving the Hab. Starting from the north we started looking for the NPS device. After about 20 minutes we located it in a gorge. From there we traveled south stopping to look at dark rock formations. At this point, it was discovered that Suit #11’s batteries were quickly losing charge, and the fan was not blowing as much air. We aborted the remainder of the EVA and headed for the Hab.

Destination: 300 meters NW of Cowboy Corner

Coordinates: 12S 518534 4253152

Participants: Pawel Sawicki (Commander), Dave Laude (Journalist), Sarah Lamm (Geologist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit, Opportunity, and Walking

EVA Report – April 19th

Crew 297 EVA Report 19-04-2024

EVA #6

Author: Matthew Lynch (Engineer)

Purpose of EVA: Perform the second searching EVA for the nuclear power project. Mission support will have provided a simulated landing site for the NPS. The Crew Commander (not on requested EVA) will give an approximate landing site, which will be within 1000 feet from the real location. This EVA will utilize known searching methods to find the NPS. Once found, it will be collected and a new simulated landing site will be selected and recorded for the next EVA crew to recover.

Start time: 9:04 am

End time: 11:22 pm

Narrative: Having a slightly late start we suited up, left the airlock, and entered the rovers without any issue. At 9:31 Curiosity’s charge was at 56% and we were still approximately ~1km from the edge of our search area by road. After parking the rovers, we proceeded on foot until we reached the edge of our search area at 9:47. Once there we spread out and moved towards the center of the region. At 9:55 Matt S. noticed a small hill he could see the local area from and once he climbed it he spotted the NPS near the edge of our search area. We collected the NPS and returned the rovers to return to the hab. On our return we stopped and deposited the NPS for the following EVA (that day) to search for in an area. We then returned to the hab and entered the airlock at 11:17 AM.

Destination: NPS expected landing area #3

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 517696N 4254089E (Expected NPS landing location)

Participants: Matthew Lynch (Engineer), Matthew Storch (XO), Sean Marquez (Greenhab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Curiosity & Opportunity) and walking.

EVA Report – April 20th

Crew 297 EVA 8 Report 20-4-2024
EVA # 8

Author: Matthew Storch

Purpose of EVA: We first did another seek for the NPS Project, by traveling to the coordinates specified by Mission Support, and searching a 300 m radius for the NPS. We then evaluated the robot, excavated a site for placement of the NPS, and explored the surrounding region for geological purposes.

Start Time: 9:08 AM

End Time: 12:55 PM

Narrative: Crew obtained the NPS search coordinates and proceeded to the search area, which was near the Candor Chasma. We stopped just off Cow Dung road and proceeded on foot along the Gateway to Candor, to conduct the search. The crew split into 2 teams that straddled a ravine. Matt Lynch quickly spotted the NPS and we retrieved it and returned to the rovers. We then proceeded north along Cow Dung Road to Galileo Road and headed east on Galileo until we reached the turnaround limit on battery power. The turnaround point was not deemed suitable for the other mission objectives, so we started to return along Galileo road, stopping twice to evaluate possible sites to cover the remaining mission objectives. Once a suitable location was found, Pawel and Matt S set up the robot, while Matt L scouted for suitable nearby excavation sites and Sarah conducted geological studies of the area. The robot had problems connecting to its network and there was not much we could do in the field to address the problem, so we had to abandon that objective for today. All four EVA crew members then joined the excavation effort, using a variety of tools and working in shifts. In the end we were able to excavate deep enough to properly bury the NPS, but finished just in time to return from the EVA with a suitable time margin. Excavation was much more difficult than in the first location, with the regolith removal rate being about one half of what it was in the first excavation, despite having 4 crew members to work this excavation vs. 2 for the previous one.

Destination: Candor Chasma area

Coordinates: 519608E 4251496N

Participants: Pawel Sawicki (Commander), Matthew Storch (XO), Sarah Lamm (Geologist), Matthew Lynch (Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, Galileo Road

Mode of travel: Curiosity, Opportunity, and walking

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA # 1

Author: Sarah Lamm (Geologist)

Purpose of EVA: EVA certification training to Marble Ritual as requested by the MDRS.

Start time: 2:00 pm

End time: 3:00 pm

Narrative: We arrived at Marble Ritual with Spirit and Opportunity, and proceeded due east for about 270 m to the ritual buckets. After each person dropped a rock in the bucket, we proceed to examine the most Northwestern mound (about 4250921 N 518693E) within 30 meters of the Marble Ritual Posts. There we saw evaporated stream beds, filled with fine grained red sediments, as well as irregular white and red fine-grained patches. From there we proceed to the center mound, which is southeast of the first mound. and climbed to the top (about 4250899 N 518703 E). We quickly decided to leave as the wind was much stronger at the top. We briefly explored the shorter Northeastern mound (about 4250925 N 518714 E), until we descended at 2:20 pm due to the wind picking up. On the ground, we observed ventifact sandstones, as well as desert vanish. At 2:34 pm the crew returned to the rovers and parked at the Hab at 2:39 pm.

A singular curious alien coming from the south was spotted on Cow Dung Road at 2:21 pm. They seem to observe the EVA team and the Mars Desert Research Campus for about 10 minutes, until they left going north on Cow Dung Road.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4250957 N 518615 E

Participants: Sarah Lamm (Geologist), Pawel Sawicki (Commander), Sean Marquez (GreenHab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit and Opportunity Rovers

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA #2

Author: Matthew Lynch (Engineer)

Purpose of EVA: This was the initial training EVA for the second half of our crew. The goal was to go to Marble Ritual, briefly explore the immediate area, and return to the hab.

Start time: 4:00pm

End time: 4:55pm

Narrative: After suiting up for the first time we made our way to the airlock. We unplugged Curiosity (Matt L. + Dave) and Opportunity (Matt S.) was already unplugged. We made our way to Marble Ritual and each added a martian stone to the containers. Enjoying our first EVA, we performed some brief exploration of the area in the immediate vicinity. We saw several alien tourists observing the hab, some interesting rocks that we collected for geological inspection, and some extremely large semi-humanoid footprints that we photographed for analysis. Return to the rovers and the hab was done with no issues.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4250957 N 518615 E

Participants: Matthew Lynch (Engineer), Dave Laude (Journalist), Matthew Storch (XO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Curiosity & Opportunity) and walking.

EVA Report – April 16th

Crew 297 EVA Report 16-04-2024

EVA #3

Author: Matthew Lynch (Engineer)

Purpose of EVA: Perform the first EVA for the nuclear power deployment project. Mission support provided a simulated landing site for the NPS. The Crew Commander gave an approximate landing site, which was to be within 300 m from the real location. This EVA utilized known searching methods to find the NPS. Once found, NPS is collected and a new simulated landing site will be selected and recorded for the next EVA crew to recover. A potential secondary objective of testing excavation for the NPS was also added.

Start time: 1:40pm

End time: 5:09pm

Narrative: The initial GPS coordinates given to us provided a 300m radius search area, centered on the hab. Suiting up and leaving the habitat went as expected. After depositing our heavier equipment (shovel & pickaxe) into the rovers we made our way to north of the Hab and began on the footpath there to seek higher ground. We climbed the significant hills in this area and saw no signs of the NPS, then proceeded to fan out and move south/south-east around our search area. After ~40 minutes on foot, We saw a highly reflective object in the far distance and elected to return to our rovers and drive towards it. We reached the boundary of the search area and the object was still significantly far so it was assumed to not be the target. From here we began another search on foot of the North to South-east region of our expected landing zone. After ~90 minutes of searching HABCOM updated our search region to 100m. After a further 60 minutes of unsuccessful searching it was discovered that a technical error had led to the wrong GPS coordinates being used. Once corrected, HABCOM provided us with the actual NPS landing spot, approximately 1km to the south of the hab. We made our way there with the rovers and found the NPS in its expected location. On the way back to the hab we successfully placed the NPS in a new landing spot at [REDACTED] for tomorrow’s EVA to search for. Many aliens were observed today.

Destination: NPS expected landing area #1

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518083N 4250076E (Actual NPS landing location)

Participants: Matthew Lynch (Engineer), Matthew Storch (XO), Sean Marquez (Greenhab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Curiosity & Opportunity) and walking.

EVA Report – April 11th

EVA #15
Author: Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Purpose of EVA: This EVA will be focused on Romain Maddox’s experiment. On Sol 1, he took the baseline for his experiment, this time, he will do the fourth data collection and will continue on SOL12 with the rest of the team. The 3 crew members will continue the experiment by controlling a drone (Parrot Anafi) and doing 8 maneuvers with an estimate of 7 minutes per flight and per person and the same place that they did last time, Marble Ritual. Crew members will stay in a radius of about 60m around the rover. They should only go at around 20 meters but as we experienced last time, if the drone has a malfunction and crashes, we might need the 60 meter radius. Anyway, we will contact the Main Hab before exceeding 20 meters.
Start time: 9am
End time: 10:01am
Narrative: We drove to Marble Ritual as usual. Once there, we performed Romain’s experiment. Romain went first, then Arnaud, Imane and Alba last. During Arnaud’s turn, he roughly crashed the drone. Despite the missing two wings, Romain, with his craftsmanship, managed to repair the drone and completed the EVA. Nothing unplanned occurred until the end of the manipulation. Once it was done, we drove back to the hab.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4251000 518750
Participants: Romain Maddox (Commander), Alba Sánchez Montalvo (Journalist), Imane El Bakkali (Health and Safety Officer) and Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Perseverance and Opportunity) and Walking

EVA Report – April 12th

EVA #17
Author: Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Purpose of EVA: This EVA will be focused on Romain Maddox’s experiment. On Sol 1, he took the baseline for his experiment, this time, he will do the fourth data collection with the rest of the team. The 5 last crew members will continue the experiment by controlling a drone (Parrot Anafi) and doing 8 maneuvers with an estimate of 7 minutes per flight and per person and the same place that they did last time, Marble Ritual. Crew members will stay in a radius of about 60m around the rover. They should only go at around 20 meters but as we experienced last time, if the drone has a malfunction and crashes, we might need the 60 meter radius. Anyway, we will contact the Main Hab before exceeding 20 meters.
Start time: 8:30am
End time:
Narrative: As usual, we got ready for an EVA. But it wasnt a usual one. It was the last one that marked the end of our mission here on Mars. Once we got out, we enjoyed the view, took the rovers and drove to Marble Ritual. It was so commun but so special this time. It was like time was going a bit slower. We arrived at the location and performed the last 4 flights. Everything was nominal. We drove back to what was our home for the last two months and entered the sas for the last time. During the decompression we glanced a last time to this red surface, this land of dream hoping the adventure wasnt finished. But the opening of the inside door broke that hope. Thank you Mars for all you gave us but it is time to go back to the mother of all life, Mother Earth.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4251000 518750
Participants: Romain Maddox (Commander), Hippolyte Hilgers (Green Hab Officer), Lorraine Baes (Executive Officer), Maxime Foucart (Astronomer) and Louis Joseph (Engineer
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving 3 rovers (Opportunity, Perseverance and Spirit) and walking.

EVA Report – April 8th

EVA #10
Author: Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Purpose of EVA: This EVA will be focused on Romain Maddox’s experiment. On Sol 1, he took the baseline for his experiment, this time, he will do the second data collection and will continue on SOL11 and 12. The 5 crew members will continue the experiment by controlling a drone (Parrot Anafi) and doing 8 maneuvers with an estimate of 7 minutes per flight and per person and the same place that they did last time, Marble Ritual. Crew members will stay in a radius of about 60m around the rover. They should only go at around 20 meters but as we experienced last time, if the drone has a malfunction and crashes, we might need the 60 meter radius. Anyway, we will contact the Main Hab before exceeding 20 meters.
Start time: 8:06am
End time: 8:50am
Narrative: We got out at exactly 8 o’clock and directly went to Marble ritual. We didn’t want to waste time since near noon, the eclipse would be at its highest. Once we arrived at the location, we all flew the drone as intended with no problems. We headed back home and finished one of the shortest EVA’s. A quick but really efficient EVA.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4251000 518750
Participants: Romain Maddox (Commander), Maxime Foucart (Astronomer), Louis Joseph (Engineer), Imane El Bakkali (Health and Safety Officer) and Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving 3 vehicles (Spirit, Curiosity and Perseverance) and walking

EVA Report – April 9th

EVA #12
Author: Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Purpose of EVA: We’ll park the rovers south of Compass Rock and walk to Candor Chasma to fly Louis’ drone to have a few shots of the surroundings. If the landscape allows it, he will also perform automatic flights for his own experiment. Then, if the time isn’t a limiting factor, the crew plans to take back the rovers to ride half the distance between Compass Rock and Somerville Overlook along Galileo Road 1104. The remaining travel towards Somerville Overlook will be performed by foot. From there, a drone flight will be performed. Finally, the crew will come back to the rovers and head back to the station.
Start time: 9:01am
End time: 11:40am
Narrative: We parked our rovers at the foot of the compass rock. We then headed for the Condor Chasma entrance to fly Louis’ drone and take a few more photos. Compared with EVA#9, we covered a longer distance inside Candor Chasma and then rejoined our rovers. We then waited about twenty minutes for Louis to make two automatic flights with the drone to establish a reconnaissance of the area. Finally, we made our way back, stopping at a few viewpoints to take videos and photos.
Destination: Compass Rock, Candor Chasma and then Somerville Overlook initially but we haven’t be able to find the path between Compass Rock and Somerville Overlook
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
4252000 520000 (Compass Rock)
4251150 520400 (Entrance of Candor Chasma)
4253000 522000 (Somerville Overlook)
Participants: Louis Joseph (Engineer), Alba Sánchez Montalvo (Journalist), Hippolyte Hilgers (Green Hab Officer) and Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 and Galileo Road 1104
Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and walking

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