Crew 227 Astronomer Report 29th March 2022
SOL: 2
Name of person filing report: Ignacio Sanchez
Sky Conditions: Cloudy and rainy
Wind Conditions: No wind but hard to tell since we didn’t went on EVA
Observation Start Time: None
Observation End Time: None
Summary: Today was another uneventful day telescope-wise. The clouds obstructed the Sun all day and the observations set for the MDRS-14 were not taken and are still shown as active. Maybe Skynet reports them because of the bad weather?
Please find attached the remaining photo. Let me know if you need any other photos.
I wanted to at least go through the opening and closing procedure of the Musk Solar Observatory but due to the rain, I cancelled the plan.
Objects Viewed: None
Problems Encountered: None
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