Sol Summary – April 22nd

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 22-04-2024

Sol: 08

Summary Title: Mars on Earth Day

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

This morning, half the crew woke up with the Martian sun to prepare for an early EVA start time. Keeping cool prior to the impending peak of the hottest sol of the sim, Lamm and Sawicki set out to survey the grey area (as seen by satellite) between the Sea of Shells and Overlook to gather spectral data. Unfortunately for them, Opportunity was only able to traverse half of Brahe Highway and the rest of the journey was conquered by foot. While the views of Overlook proved to be spectacular, it was also confirmed that the area contained more uranium content than the previously explored lands around MDRS (but still in line with an average amount). As the environment started to heat up, the crew forwent a visit to the Sea of Shells and headed back to the Hab. After conducting their duties today, the crew enjoyed a finger-licking tuna & veggie casserole made by Chef Lynch.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow there are a couple of EVAs planned. The early EVA crew will look to locate the NPS that was hidden today. The second EVA will continue locally testing Case, with a ground station located inside the comfortable air-conditioned confines of the ScienceDome. During the latter EVA, the crew will monitor Case on the outside and take gamma-ray spectral data of geological formations by the MDRS station.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 11 (fan power substantially decreased mid-EVA): Battery was replaced but the air flow is still less than nominal
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (2 mph), chilly (57F), and sunny with clear skies
Noon: calm winds (4 mph), warm (75F), and sunny with clear skies
Afternoon (1800): moderate winds (19 mph), warm (80F), and broken cloud coverage
Crew Physical Status: Overall crew health is nominal.

EVA: During today’s EVA the crew was able to admire the beauty of the Overlook, but unfortunately the crew was not able to reach the Sea of Shells. Nevertheless, site-seeing is never an objective of any EVA, including today’s. Thus the goals of the EVA (analyzing the geological features of this Northwest area) were completed and the EVA can be deemed a success.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (1 EVA)
EVA request (2 EVAs)
Mid-Mission Report
Support Requested: None requested.

Sol Summary – April 17th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 17-04-2024

Sol: 03

Summary Title: Red Planet Rocks!

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew started the day at 0800, welcomed by the smell of the delectable crepes prepared by Sean and Matt S. With the mood already in good spirits after breakfast, the EVA team could not flounder, as they hastily were able to locate the NPS and spent the rest of the time analyzing the rocks of the Red Planet. After a fortunate EVA, the crew was treated to a mouthwatering take on fromage et legumes soup prepared by Matt L. While the soup was prepared, the crew learned how to play the cooperative card game Hanabi. In the afternoon, Sean and Pawel troubleshooted thermal problems within the GreenHab along with harvesting a ripe cherry tomato. Dinner concluded a day of scrumptious meals, with a soy peanut couscous containing vegetables and chicken, prepared by chefs Matt L. and Sean.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow we will perform a single EVA in the morning. This EVA will be the first for Case, our robotic crewmate, who will traverse and record imagery as we monitor closely. The EVA will also test out digging possibilities for the [inert] NPS.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 5 (ventilation electrical connection): Investigated and likely fixed. To be further examined/tested in the coming days.
GreenHab automated fan: The GreenHab fan powered on today when the GH temp reached 94F, but then turned off. It then powered cycled continuously but never reached its expected rpm.
Suit 4 (collar cable ring missing): In work
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (2 mph), chilly (53F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Noon: moderate winds (15 mph), warm (70F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Afternoon (1800): moderate winds (17 mph), warm (76F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Crew Physical Status: Crew health is nominal.

EVA: EVA was nominal today. The crew found the hidden NPS fairly quickly (~15 minutes) and spent the rest of the time performing gamma-ray spectrometer readings of regions along Cow Dung Road south of MDRS including Robert’s Rock Garden.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (1 EVA)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: We request that the [inert] NPS be placed by Mission Support at a location of their choosing (though reachable by rover and within a maximum of 15 minutes of walking) in either Candor Chasma, Eos Chasma, Valles Marineris, or Aurorae Chaos for a search and recovery EVA on 19-04-2024. The NPS will be placed in the rear airlock tomorrow night, 18-04-2024 by 1600. Once the inert NPS is hidden, precise GPS coordinates and a photo are requested to be taken to not lose track of the location. These GPS coordinates are then asked to be sent to Pawel.

Sol Summary – April 18th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 18-04-2024

Sol: 04

Summary Title: stanleY yelnatS tuanortsA

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today we opened our eyes to a welcomed Martian morning partially filled with clouds. These clouds proved to be fortuitous during the later EVAs in reducing sun glare on screens and the need for respiration during digging. Today’s EVA was a first for our robotic crewmate Case. Case, roughly the size of its distant Martian cousin, Sojourner, has the intention of helping us take useful Martian imagery for planning purposes of future crews. Today was also the first time we had four crewmates involved in the same EVA and the first true attempt at digging the NPS. Case was able to capture useful imagery of the surroundings, yet, it was not able to take off its metaphorical leash, needing to be monitored constantly and manually driven for a large portion of its adventure. The other two EVA crew mates had great success – digging a hole suitable for the NPS at a rate of 30 cubic feet per hour. Two hours had passed before the rover and related GSE were collected, the hole was filled up, and we started heading back home. When the crew finally recovered from the eventful EVAs they learned about the functionality of WIDGIT and how to incorporate it into their collaborative report writing workflows. FInally, a savory Japanese curry dish was prepared and served by Chef Sean to the delight of the crews’ taste buds.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow we will have a chock-filled day of EVAs from 0900 to 1600. The first EVA will look to locate the NPS that has thankfully been placed by Mission Support for us. After they successfully find the NPS, they will provide the favor to the second EVA crew of hiding the NPS. The second EVA crew will then attempt to find the NPS with enough time to spare for additional gamma-ray spectral readings of the Martian rocks in the surrounding area.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 5 (ventilation electrical connection): Investigated and likely fixed. To be further examined/tested in the coming days.
GreenHab automated fan: The GreenHab fan powers on when the GH temp reaches 94F, but then shortly thereafter turns off. It power cycles continuously but never reaches its expected rpm.
Suit 4 (collar cable ring missing): Fixed today, will be functionally tested during EVA tomorrow.
ScienceDome: We have noticed a foul chemical smell. Dispositioning.
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (6 mph), chilly (57F), and partially cloudy
Noon: calm winds (3 mph), warm (67F), and sunny
Afternoon (1800): calm winds (8 mph), warm (74F), and broken cloud coverage
Crew Physical Status: Crew health is nominal.

EVA: Nominal EVA. The crew of four involved with the EVA was able to test digging capabilities within their spacesuits and use the rover, Case, to capture MDRS site imagery.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (1 EVA)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: We have requested that the [inert] NPS be placed by Mission Support at a location of their choosing (though reachable by rover and within a maximum of 15 minutes of walking) in either Candor Chasma, Eos Chasma, Valles Marineris, or Aurorae Chaos for a search and recovery EVA #6 on 19-04-2024. The NPS will be placed in the rear airlock tomorrow night, 18-04-2024 by 1600. Once the inert NPS is hidden, precise GPS coordinates and a photo are requested to be taken to not lose track of the location. These GPS coordinates are then asked to be sent to Pawel.

We also request to have the permission for Opportunity to be plugged in after EVA #6 tomorrow for one hour (1200-1300) between EVAs to extend its range.

Sol Summary – April 19th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 19-04-2024

Sol: 05

Summary Title: So much universe, and so little time

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today we all woke up early to the sounds of Strauss and the smells of freshly made pancakes by Chef Laude. Shortly thereafter the first of two EVAs commenced, where, within an hour of leaving the airlock, Matt S. located the [inert] Nuclear Power System (NPS). After the crew hid the NPS they met all their EVA objectives and returned to the Hab. The second EVA group was not quite as swift as the first in finding the NPS, but nonetheless Pawel was able to locate the NPS within an hour of EVA start. Collecting gamma-ray spectral data was unfortunately cut short during the second EVA due to a more urgent matter: a nonconforming fan on Suit 11, resulting in an expedited return back to the Hab. The day concluded with a spaghetti dinner prepared by Chefs Laude and Storch, report writing, and late-night games.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow we have an eventful EVA planned with three of the crew’s research topics consolidating into one EVA objective. The crew of four (Sawicki, Storch, Lynch, and Lamm) will first locate the [inert] NPS. Once found, the crew will use Case (which has recently been equipped with a Geiger counter) to approach the [inert] NPS and verify that the unit is safe to approach. During the recovery efforts, continued use of the gamma-ray spectrometer will further characterize the Martian rocks.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 11 (fan power significantly decreased mid-EVA): EVA was abruptly cut short due to low fan rpm, causing pressing concerns for heat exhaustion. Prior to the 1.5 hour EVA, the suit battery read 13.5 V and afterwards read 11.9 V.
GreenHab automated fan: The GreenHab fan powers on when the GH temp reaches 94F, but then shortly thereafter turns off. It power cycles continuously but never reaches its expected rpm.
ScienceDome: We have noticed a foul chemical smell the last few days which has made the ScienceDome unsuitable for any work. This intense odor has assuaged during the current sol. We still continue to monitor closely.
EVA headset #2 not receiving comms when connected with two way radio (radio works fine).
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (1 mph), chilly (59F), and few cloud coverage
Noon: calm winds (2 mph), warm (69F), and scattered cloud coverage
Afternoon (1800): moderate winds (17 mph), warm (71F), and broken cloud coverage
Crew Physical Status: Sarah is feeling a bit fatigued, but recovering well. The rest of the crew is presently nominal in terms of health.

EVA: The first EVA today was a complete success. The crew was able to locate the NPS and re-hide it for the next crew in great time. While the second EVA crew was able to locate the NPS quite quickly (~25 minutes), there was a fan malfunction within suit #11 that resulted in an aborted EVA and expedited return to the Hab. Sarah had begun exhibiting symptoms of heat exhaustion from the lack of airflow within her helmet.

To loosely paraphrase Artemis by Weir: "[Mars] is mean. [He] doesn’t care why your suit fails. [He] just [cancels your EVA] when it does."`

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (2 EVAs)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: We have requested that the [inert] NPS be placed by Mission Support at a location of their choosing (though reachable by rover on Galileo Road 1104 and within a maximum of 25 minutes of walking) for a search and recovery EVA #8 on 20-04-2024. The NPS will be placed in the rear airlock tonight, 19-04-2024 by 2000. Once the inert NPS is hidden, precise GPS coordinates and a photo are requested to be taken to not lose track of the location. These GPS coordinates are then asked to be sent to Sean. Many thanks for the support provided thus far for the NPS placements!

We have also requested one additional EVA headset, as one is not functioning properly.

Sol Summary – April 15th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 15-04-2024

Sol: 01

Summary Title: Welcome to Mars

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

"Welcome to Mars," exclaimed Mission Support as we touched down today a little past noon. After the arduous trek from Earth was over, we immediately consumed our lunch sandwiches and went onto preparing our checkride EVAs. The two EVAs at Marble Ritual were quite nominal (other than the occasional alien’s strolling by) and provided most of the newbie crew members with the confidence and skill set needed to thrive in succeeding EVAs. The day concluded with a sumptuous ceviche dinner made by Sean and sous-chef Sarah.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will perform a single EVA in the morning. The purpose of the EVA will be for "Team A" to seek out the recently delivered [inert] Nuclear Power System (NPS). If "Team A" is successful they will then hide the [inert] NPS for the second half of the crew to reproduce the seek study during a future EVA.

Anomalies in work: Loose XLR 3 pin connector on Suit 3. INOP’ed for the time being (labeled with blue tape).

*Anomaly occurring during report": Power in the Hab blacked out, and has been restored after switching to generator power. Due to the power outage’s late occurrence, it will be discussed in the Operations Report tomorrow.


Around noon: moderate winds (7 mph from the west, gusting to 17 mph), chilly (55F), overcast in the surrounding horizon areas, partially cloudy above the Hab (cloud coverage: 30%).
During the afternoon (data is taken at 1700): strong winds (21 mph from the northwest, gusting 25 mph), chilly (60F), partially cloudy (cloud coverage: 38%) with a storm in the distance.
Crew Physical Status: Tired from the long journey over to Mars, but overall in good health.

EVA: Checkride EVAs were completed with nominal operations.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (2 EVAs)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: We have requested that the [inert] NPS (currently in the RAM) be placed by Mission Support at a location of their choosing (though reachable by rover and within a maximum of 15 minutes of walking). Once the inert NPS is hidden, precise GPS coordinates and a photo are requested to be taken to not lose track of the location. These GPS coordinates are then asked to be sent to Pawel.

Sol Summary – April 16th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 16-04-2024

Sol: 02

Summary Title: Aux Power has Been Recovered!

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Janus I woke up today with high spirits and a great sense of adventure – a necessary state of mind to be in for the demanding EVA prepared today to recover a lost [inert] NPS. Last night an auxiliary power source in the form of an NPS finally landed on the Red Planet. However, due to strong winds the NPS did not arrive at its expected landing location. The location was narrowed down to a radius of 300 m within the Hab and crew members Matt S., Matt L., and Sean went through heroic efforts to try to locate it. After hours of unsuccessful efforts, remote sensing from Martian satellites were able to locate the NPS, and a more precise location was uncovered. The crew quickly located the device and continued the remainder of their EVA plan nominally.

In spite of the unexpectedly taxing NPS recovery efforts, the crew remains optimistic about the days ahead. After report writing, the crew now winds down, ready for any challenges Sol 3 may bring.

Look Ahead Plan:

An EVA is planned tomorrow morning to replicate the [inert] NPS search and recovery with a different EVA team. After a (hopefully prompt) recovery effort the EVA will continue with Sarah commencing her gamma-ray portable spectrometer research. The rest of the crew will recover from their valiant efforts today and continue their nominal duties including preparing and conducting IVA research.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 3 (Loose XLR 3 pin connector): fixed and functionally tested today (via EVA).
Suit 5 (ventilation electrical connection): investigated and likely fixed. To be further examined/tested in the coming days.
Morning (data from 0800): calm winds (4 mph, gusting 11 mph), chilly (50F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Noon: moderate winds (7 mph, gusting 15 mph), warm (62F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Afternoon (1700): moderate winds (5 mph, gusting 17 mph), warm (70F), and clear skies (0% cloud coverage)
Crew Physical Status: Crew members that participated in the 4-hour EVA are physically drained. However, overall the crew is in good spirits and health.

EVA: Although strenuous, the only EVA today was a success in that the NPS was found (and rehidden for tomorrow’s EVA) and the crew returned safely.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (1 EVA)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: None requested.

Sol Summary – April 10th

Sol 10
Summary Title: Isolation never felt so good
Author’s name: Alba Sánchez Montalvo
Mission Status: Ongoing
Sol Activity Summary:
SOL 10 started calmly since there was no EVA planned in the morning. Everyone could sleep enough to recover their energy and face the last sols to come. During the morning, the last crew members recorded their videos about their experiments at the MDRS for our social media and our collaborations. Loriane cooked meatballs with mashed potatoes for lunch, joining Imane in doing magic when cooking with lyophilized food. Right after, Maxime and Romain went on an EVA to explore and look for fossils. They climbed West Ridge and discovered that the ‘rocks’ they were walking on were actually fossilized shells! They collected some and then they could also find some fossilized wood. After that, they returned to the station and shared their discoveries with the rest of the team before working on their reports and having dinner together. In general, we feel that isolation is not that bad when you have a good company with you!
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs will be scheduled tomorrow. One in the morning, to continue Romain’s experiment of evaluating the crew’s handling of a drone. This will be the fourth and last session for some members of the crew. Finally, at the end of the afternoon, a second EVA will take place to finalize the data collection carried out by Louis with his drone. In the early afternoon, biological samples (blood, urine and saliva) will be collected. Imane will also collect stool samples for her experiment throughout the day.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny, a bit of wind and almost no clouds
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: In the late afternoon, Maxime and Romain embarked on an extravehicular activity (EVA). Emerging into the intense heat at 16:08, they began ascending the West Ridge. Upon reaching the summit, they traversed to the nearby road and were astonished to realize that the rocks they were treading on were actually fossilized shells. The revelation was awe-inspiring. After collecting several bags of these ancient relics, they adhered to their plan and drove the rovers to Roberts Rock Garden in search of fossilized wood. With perseverance, they unearthed a few specimens. Satisfied with their discoveries, they returned to share their findings with the rest of the crew.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, EVA Request(s), Astronomy Report
Support Requested: NA

Sol Summary – April 11th

Sol 11
Summary Title: Not ready to leave Mars
Author’s name: Alba Sánchez Montalvo
Mission Status: 99% complete
Sol Activity Summary:
SOL 11 started with an EVA for the biomedical team performing Romain’s experiment manipulating the drone. Everything went well until the drone unexpectedly started to convulse in the middle of one of the maneuvers, but our team reacted fast and could save its life. Back at the station, we spent some time together, and again, we tried to convince Louis to allow us to have a fast body-shower since the simulation is almost done and our water consumption is sustainable. After lunch, the biomedical team concluded their sampling plan at the station, collecting the last blood and saliva and performing the last inflammatory cell count in blood. In the afternoon, there was a second EVA for Louis’ experiment and a little bit of exploration, in which the crew members loved the breathtaking views. The team is really happy about our simulation, we are not ready to leave Mars.

Look Ahead Plan: there’s an EVA planned for tomorrow to continue with Romain’s experiment; the biomedical team will take the crew car to Grand Junction in order to arrange their samples shipment to Belgium, they will be back to the station in the evening.
Anomalies in work: Romain’s drone crashed during his experiment, but it was repaired in situ
Weather: Sunny, almost no wind and no clouds
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA#15: The group went to Marble Ritual, where they conducted Romain’s experiment. Arnaud crashed the drone, but Romain fixed it, and they completed the task without further problems before returning to the hab.
EVA#16: The crew drove to the East of North Ridge, where Louis conducted his first flight. They then climbed part of North Ridge for a view. Then, Louis conducted two more flights before returning to the station.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, EVA Request(s), Astronomy Report

Support Requested: NA

Sol Summary – April 12th

Sol 12
Summary Title: The last dance
Author’s name: Loriane Baes
Mission Status: 100%
Sol Activity Summary:
Sol 12 began and the Atlas mission came to an end. After one final morning EVA for Romain’s drone experiment, the crew gathered to do a live broadcast with a major Spanish television channel. During this exchange, Alba had the opportunity to explain the entire mission. At the end of the live broadcast, the crew crossed the entrance door together to immortalize the end of the simulation. An emotional moment where everyone applauded in recognition of the journey undertaken. Without delay, the biomedical team then took the crew car to drop the samples in Grand Junction for their shipment to Belgium. Meanwhile, the rest of the team conducted a second live broadcast with the Mars Society Belgium to explain the experiments conducted. The rest of the day was dedicated to the final cleanup and various reports while waiting for the biomedical team to return, followed by a group aperitif in nostalgia for this unique experience that has touched everyone’s lives. The end of a long journey has arrived today, but our exploration of space is only just beginning.
Look Ahead Plan: Tidying up and returning to solid ground.
Anomalies in work: /
Weather: The sun was shining for our last day.
Crew Physical Status: Good.
EVA# 17: The group went to Marble Ritual, where they conducted Romain’s experiment for the last time. Everyone now manages to pilot the drone successfully.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, Astronomy Report, End-mission research report, Mission summary, Food inventory, MDRS checkout .
Support Requested: NA

Sol Summary – April 7th

Sol: 7
Summary Title: Rrrrrap on Mars
Author’s name: Alba Sánchez Montalvo
Mission Status: Overcoming inconveniences
Sol Activity Summary:
The sol started with an EVA by the biomedical team (Alba, Arnaud, Imane and Loriane) where the main goal was to explore and to make a reconnaissance of the Candor Chasma area for future EVAs. We took beautiful pictures and we had a little accident in which Arnaud got attacked by a space cactus. Our crew health and safety officer took good care of him and it was solved and disinfected successfully. Despite the inconvenience, everyone had a great time. Meanwhile, Louis spent some time in the RAM preparing some beacons for his experiment with his drone. Maxime took incredible pictures of the sun and made a beautiful composit image of it. We are all very excited because there will be an eclipse tomorrow and Maxime will take care of everyone being able to see it and understand what is going on. It was a sampling sol for the biomedical team so, as previously done, blood and saliva collection, inflammatory cell count in blood and sample processing were performed in the science dome. We thank again our collaborator @dentognostics for providing us with the incredible ORALyzer and @yourbio_health for the device used for blood collection. Also, we would like to thank the IREC, specially the LUNS department, for providing us with some of the material needed for the sample collection. On top of that, Centro Sur, and all the sponsors who joined us, for making this project possible. In the evening, we made some bread and enjoyed some time together. In the evening, we made some bread and enjoyed some time together. The rappers are back, the show must go on on Mars.
Look Ahead Plan: we plan to do an EVA tomorrow to continue with Romain’s experiment, we will observe the eclipse with the guidance of Maxime and will make some content for our social media and for our collaborations
Anomalies in work: NA
Weather: sunny and warm all day
Crew Physical Status: a little bit tired, but feeling great
EVA: In the morning, Alba, Imane, Loriane and Arnaud headed for the compass rock where they parked their rovers. They took some photos at this rock and then descended into the Candor Chasma to visit the area and take some photos and videos in order to carry out reconnaissance for future EVAs.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, EVA Request(s) Astronomy Report.
Support Requested: NA

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