EVA Report – February 17th

Crew 311 EVA Report 17-02-2025

EVA # 01
Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer)
Purpose of EVA: EVA Training exploring west for a spot for atmospheric instrument
Start time: 10:00 a.m
End time: 11:00 a.m
Narrative: We took our first step on martian land after our arrival, we then hopped on Spirit & Curiosity rovers to go to Marble rituals. No issues during travel, we successfully arrived at the spot. The crew then started exploring the surroundings and found a satisfactory spot for the experiments. We then came back to the MDRS and re-entered the base on time.
Destination: Marble Rituals
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N
Participants: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer & EVA Leader), Robin GORIUS (Crew Engineer), Isolde LOUZIER-RICALENS (Crew Journalist), Quentin BERLEMONT
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving then Walking a few Hundred meters West (More info on rovers in operational report)

EVA Report – February 19th

Crew 311 EVA Report 19-02-2025

EVA # 03

Author: Quentin Berlemont, Crew Astronomer

Purpose of EVA: Installation of atmospheric instruments given by ESA and CNRS: MegaArès/Field Mill (Electromagnetic field measures), LOAC (Aerosol counter), Weather Station

Start time: 09:39 AM

End time: 11:54 AM

Narrative: EVA Crew entered the RAM Airlock at 09:39 AM and left the station at 09:44. Robin and Isolde took the Curiosity rover while Quentin walked while pulling the cart; both the rover and the cart were holding the equipment. After a few meters at 09:50 a piece of equipment detached from its mast and Robin went back to the RAM to gather zip ties to reattach it. They arrived to Marble Rituals at 10:00 AM. They went to 38.4080106/-110.788139 (coordinates recovered on the GPS device carried during EVAs) by walking, using the cart to bring the equipment. They left the site at 11:35 AM by rover for Robin and Isolde, by walking for Quentin, and parked the rover, then took pictures of the interior of the reflector at 11:45 AM as requested by mission support. They entered the RAM Airlock at 11:54 AM and EVA ended at 12:00AM.

Destination: Marble Rituals

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N

Participants: Quentin Berlemont (EVA leader and Crew Astronomer), Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity and walking

Start battery: 100%
End battery: 94%
Start hours: 296.7
End hours: 297.0

EVA Report – March 12th

EVA #: 15

Author: Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist, EVA Leader)

Atmospheric instrument batteries change and collection of data, then Kissing Camel Ridge West exploration thanks to notes from a 3D map.

Start time: 09:30 AM

End time: 01:18 PM

Narrative: The crew drove to Marble Rituals and changed batteries of our atmospheric instruments, then at 10:18 PM we drove to Kissing Camel Ridge West, and explored the area until 01:08 PM.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates 518000 E, 4249500 N

EVA Participants: Meddi Moumouni (GreenHAB officer), Erin Pougheon (Commander), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to the atmospheric instruments, then driving to Kissing Camel Ridge W, walking in the area. Coming back to the station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Spirit and Opportunity

Spirit: Start 83%, 268,3h/ End 67%, 268.6h

Opportunity: Start 100%, 207.9h/ End 73%, 208.1h

EVA Report – March 14th

EVA #: 16

Author: Robin GORIUS (Crew engineer, EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: retrieve the atmospheric instruments from Marble Rituals

Start time: 9:01 AM

End time: 9:46 AM

Narrative: The crew went to marble ritual with curiosity and perseverance. They parked the rovers at 9:10 AM then walked to the instrument site. On site they retrieved the last data set and started disconnecting all the instruments from the batteries at 9:13 AM. They did two back and forth between the instrument site and the rovers and completed the task at 9:33. They drove back to the station and placed every instrument in the RAM. They entered the hab airlock at 9:41 AM. With that the final EVA of crew 311 was completed!

Destination: Marble Rituals

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N

EVA Participants: Erin Pougheon (Crew commander), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist), Robin GORIUS ( and EVA Leader).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. The crew will drive back and forth between the station and the instrument site to bring everything home.

Vehicles used: Curiosity and Perseverance

Curiosity: Start 100%, 300.7h/ End 92%, 300.8h

Perseverance: Start 100%, 310.4h/ End 92%, 310.5h

EVA Report – March 10th

Crew 311 EVA Report 10-03-2025

EVA #: 13

Author: Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander, EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Pick up the salt in front of the Hab. Atmospheric experiments battery change then 3D mapping of Kissing Camel Ridge W with a drone. Before going to Kissing Camel Ridge W, we want to go to Sea of Shells, where we had EVAs last week because we forgot the EVA Emergency Kit over there. We’ll have with us another emergency kit (so we have one with us before picking up the official one), and ropes.

Start time: 09:01 AM

End time: 01:00 PM

Narrative: The EVA started with the Crew going to the atmospheric instruments to change batteries. Everything was nominal. Then, we went to Sea of Shells and picked up the emergency EVA kit that was exactly where we thought we forgot it. The Crew Commander had a problem with her suit, the air flow was stopped. But Crew Scientist and Crew HSO managed to open the suit and fix the problem, it was just one of the cables of the battery that disconnected. We chose to continue the EVA and not abort as the problem was solved, and easy to solve again. We drove back to the station without any problems. We decided to switch rovers as the ones we had were low battery. Then, we drove to KCR W where we performed the photogrammetry nominally. We drove back to the station, entered the airlock at 12:55 AM and entered the station safely at 01:00 PM.

Destination: Marble Rituals, Sea of Shells and then Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N then 516500E, 425550 N then 518000 E, 4249500 N

EVA Participants: Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO), Erin Pougheon (Crew Commander and EVA Leader).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Brahe Hwy 1572, Copernicus Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers then driving to Sea of Shells, and then driving to Kissing Camel Ridge W, walking in the area. Coming back to the station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Curiosity and Perseverance, then Spirit and Opportunity

Curiosity: Start 100%, 298.8h/ End 44%, 300.5h

Perseverance: Start 100%, 309.3h/ End 49%, 309.2h

Spirit: Start 100%, 268.2h/ End 83%, 268.3h

Opportunity: Start 100%, 207.7h/ End 87%, 207.9h

EVA Report – March 11th

EVA #: 14

Author: Robin GORIUS (Crew engineer, EVA Leader)

Kissing camel study and remapping with a drone due to mistakes made today. Custom small robotic exploration rover photo shoot in front of the hab at the end of the EVA. ESA radar altimeter calibration device inspection as asked by mission support.

Start time: 09:33 AM

End time: 12:45 AM

Narrative: The crew drove to KCR W where we performed the photogrammetry nominally. We drove back to the station and arrived at 12:34AM. We had an issue with perseverance parking brake which didn’t hold the rover when parked at the station. We blocked the rover with rocks before mission support could fix the brake. After we took out a custom built exploration rover out of the airlock to take a picture of it. We quickly took pictures of the ESA radar altimeter calibration device before entering the airlock at 12:45AM and entered the station safely at 12:50AM

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates 518000 E, 4249500 N

EVA Participants: Célyan Ferret (HSO), Quentin Berlemont (Astronomer), Somaya Bennani (scientist) , Robin Gorius (Crew engineer and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Kissing Camel Ridge W, walking in the area. Coming back to the station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Curiosity and Perseverance

Curiosity: Start 100%, 300,5h/ End 89%, 300.7h

Perseverance: Start 100%, 310.0h/ End 86%, 310.4h

EVA Report – March 8th

Crew 311 EVA Report 08-03-2025

EVA #: 11

Author: Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander, HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Atmospheric experiments battery change, reinstallation of LOAC experiment
then photogrammetry experiment at Sea of shells.

Start time: 9:00 AM

End time: 11:36 AM

Narrative: Depressurization in the airlock started at 8:56 AM. The EVA Crew arrived at Marble Rituals at 9:07 AM. Batteries for the atmospheric instruments were changed at 9:12 AM and LOAC re-installed at 9:15 AM. They left Marble Rituals at 9:18 AM and drove to the Sea of Shells. Arriving there, they started to search for the checkpoints for the photogrammetry experiment and found all of them in less than an hour. Then, they went back to the station. They arrived at the MDRS at 11:31 AM and back inside the station at 11:36 AM !

Destination: Marble Rituals and Sea of shells

Coordinates: 518250 E, 4250750 N then 516500E, 425550N

EVA Participants: Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist and EVA leader), Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer) and Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Brahe Hwy 1572,
Copernicus Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments site. Reinstalling the LOAC experiment and coming back to the rovers. Then driving to Sea of Shells doing the photogrammetry experiment and coming back to the station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Curiosity and Perseverance

Curiosity: Beginning 100%, 299.0h / End 40%, 299.8h

Perseverance: Beginning 100%, 308.4h / End 47%, 309.3h

EVA Report – March 8th

Crew 311 EVA Report 08-03-2025

EVA #: 12 (emergency EVA)

Author: Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander, HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Repair the hole in the tunnel system, at the intersection of the Science Dome.

Start time: 3:23 PM

End time: 5:09 PM

Narrative: Depressurization in both airlocks started at 3:26 PM. Crew HSO went out by the Engineering airlock while Crew Scientist and Crew Journalist went out by the main airlock. After getting the materials in the RAM, Crew HSO stayed inside the tunnel system to help from inside. Meanwhile, Crew Journalist and Crew Scientist were on the outside of the tunnels to put the tarp on them. They placed the tarp and started to fix it with zip ties at 4:09 PM. End of repairs at 4:54 PM. Re-pressurization of the Main Airlock at 4:57 PM and re-pressurization of the engineering airlock at 5:04 PM. Everyone is safely inside the station at 5:09 PM. The tunnel system was successfully repaired and operational after 15 minutes of re-pressurization at 5:19 PM.

Destination: MDRS

Coordinates: .

EVA Participants: Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO and EVA Leader) and Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: None

Mode of travel: Walking around the station

Vehicles used: None

EVA Report – March 3rd

EVA # 09

Author: Quentin BERLEMONT, crew Astronomer

Purpose of EVA : Atmospheric physics instrument battery change. Sea of Shells exploration and 3D mapping with a drone.

Start time: 09:00 AM

End time: 11:55 AM

Narrative: EVA Crew entered the Airlock at 08:55 AM and left the station with rovers Curiosity and Perseverance at 09:00 AM. They drove to Marble Rituals and arrived at 9:03 AM. They walked in the west and arrived at the atmospheric instruments location at 9:06AM. They retrieved the data and changed the battery before going back to the rovers at 09:13AM. They drove to Sea of shells on Cow Dung Road and arrived on site at 10:26 AM. They walked down to the canyon and started exploring and 3D mapping. They came back to the rovers at 11:29 AM and drove back to the station. They arrived at 11:47 AM and entered the airlock at 11:50AM.

Destination: Marble Rituals and Sea of Shells

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N then 516500E, 425550N

Participants: Meddi Moumouni (greenHab officer) , Quentin Berlemont (Crew Astronomer and EVA Leader), Robin Gorius. (Crew engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Brahe Hwy 1572, Copernicus Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers then driving to Sea of shells and walking again to explore.


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 49%

Start hours: 288,2

End hours: 299,9


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 49%

Start hours: 306,6

End hours: 307,4

EVA Report – March 5th

EVA # 10

Author: Célyan FERRET (HSO)

Purpose of EVA: Atmospheric experiments battery change, recovery of LOAC
experiment then photogrammetry experiment at Sea of shells.

Start time: 9:00am

End time: 12:49am

Narrative: Successfully collected the resupply of potatoes in front of
the Hab, then drove to the atmospheric instruments at Marble Rituals to
change batteries and recover the LOAC Experiment. When finished, walked back
to the rovers to go to the Sea of Shells and start the photogrammetry
experiment. When finished, we headed back to the MDRS using the rovers.

Destination: Marble Rituals and Sea of shells

Coordinates : 518250 E, 4250750 N then 516500E, 425550N

Participants: Meddi Moumouni (greenHab officer) , Erin Pougheon (crew
commander), Célyan Ferret (HSO and EVA Leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map :Cow Dung Road 0110, Brahe Hwy 1572,
Copernicus Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments
site. Recovering the LOAC experiment at the base because of weather
forecast for Thursday and coming back to the rovers. Then driving to Sea
of Shells doing the photogrammetry experiment and coming back to the
station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Perseverance and Opportunity

Perseverance : Beginning 100%, 307.4h / End 51%, 308.4h

Opportunity : Beginning 100%, 206.6h / End 31%, 207.7h

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