Operations Report – March 9th

SOL: 21

Name of person filing report: Robin GORIUS

Non-nominal systems: Robotic observatory, toilet alarm

Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June


Spirit rover : not used

Opportunity rover: not used

Curiosity rover: not used

Perseverance rover: not used

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations: Sport, experiments, cleaning

Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)

Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 6:08 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 15.43gl
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes):15.29gl

Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 230.96gl

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off) : on

Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): no

Summary of internet: used from 7 pm to 9 pm for reports

Summary of suits and radios:

Suits :

1 -> 100%, not used

2 -> 100%, not used

3 -> 100% , not used

4 -> 100%, not used

6 -> 100%, not used

7 -> 100%, not used

8 -> 100%, not used

9 -> 100%, not used

10 -> 100%, not used

Radios : Nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants were watered and the floor was cleaned

WATER USE: 10.5 gallons

Heater (On or Off): On

Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5 to 10 pm

Harvest (name, weight in grams): None

Summary of ScienceDome operations: cleaning

Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On Heat

Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): None

Summary of any observatory issues: None

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Supplemental Operations Report – 08Mar2025

[title Supplemental Operations Report -March 8th]
[category operations-report]

Date: 3/8/2025
Name of person filing report: David Steinhour
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-Nominal Systems:
Non-Nominal Systems: Crew car. Power system battery, invertors, generator. Robotic observatory. HAB outer shell.

Power system: "Solar: The battery bank does not hold charge when the sun is down and low on the horizon. Inverter Slave 1 and 2 went offline and did not restart, which limits us to 5kW when on solar.
Main generator has been monitored for oil leaks; minor leaks observed, need to add oil every 2-3 days. Generator is limited to 8kW, see previous reports for details.
Main generator:
1) Oil, oil filter changed on 2/26/2025.
2) Current hours – 8772.8"

Propane Readings: "Refilled 2/26/2025
Station Tank: 62%
Director Tank: 58%
Intern Tank: 79%
Generator Tank: 53%"

Water: "Hab Static Tank – 241.4 gallons
GreenHab – 121.5 gallons
Outpost tank – 390 gallons"

Rovers: "Sojourner rover used: No
Hours: 209.5
Beginning Charge: 100 %
Ending Charge: 100 %
Currently Charging: Yes
Notes on Rovers: None"

Cars: "Hab Car used and why, where: To Hanksville for supplies.
Crew Car used and why, where: No.
General notes and comments: Crew car driver’s side front ball joint is bad. Low oil pressure is most likely caused by a bad sensor (it does not change due to RPM or temperature like it should)."

Summary of Internet: Nominal
EVA suits and radios: "Suits: Nominal.
Comms: Nominal.
T-Echo EVA-link: Astro8 is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced."
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: Tunnel tarp was patched today 3/8 by crew on a mock-emergency EVA. Repair looks good.
Summary of Hab Operations: Small cracks in the wall of the Hab in the loft area are allowing cold air intrusion.
Summary of GreenHab Operations: Nominal
Summary of SciDome Operations: Nominal
Summary of Observatories Operations: Nominal
Summary of RAM Operations: Nominal
Summary of Outpost Operations: Nominal
Summary of Health and Safety Issues: Nominal

GreenHab Report – March 8th

Crew 311 GreenHab Report 08-03-2025

GreenHab Officer: MOUMOUNI Meddi

Environmental control (fan & heater): Yes

Average temperatures (last 24h): 81 F

Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94 F

Minimum temperature (last 24h): 71 F

Hours of supplemental light: Not sure due to the electrical shortage at 5pm

Daily water usage for crops: 9 Gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 121 ½ Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9 am & 7pm

Changes to crops: Some other peas were dying out so I removed them and replaced them by arugula astro

Narrative: Did a little bit of change in the greenhab. Watered in the morning and in the evening. A power shortage occurred at the end of afternoon. Might have disrupted the automatic night supplemental lighting

Harvest: 115g of Boston cucumber

Support/supplies needed: None

EVA Report – March 11th

EVA #: 14

Author: Robin GORIUS (Crew engineer, EVA Leader)

Kissing camel study and remapping with a drone due to mistakes made today. Custom small robotic exploration rover photo shoot in front of the hab at the end of the EVA. ESA radar altimeter calibration device inspection as asked by mission support.

Start time: 09:33 AM

End time: 12:45 AM

Narrative: The crew drove to KCR W where we performed the photogrammetry nominally. We drove back to the station and arrived at 12:34AM. We had an issue with perseverance parking brake which didn’t hold the rover when parked at the station. We blocked the rover with rocks before mission support could fix the brake. After we took out a custom built exploration rover out of the airlock to take a picture of it. We quickly took pictures of the ESA radar altimeter calibration device before entering the airlock at 12:45AM and entered the station safely at 12:50AM

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates 518000 E, 4249500 N

EVA Participants: Célyan Ferret (HSO), Quentin Berlemont (Astronomer), Somaya Bennani (scientist) , Robin Gorius (Crew engineer and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: Driving to Kissing Camel Ridge W, walking in the area. Coming back to the station using the rovers.

Vehicles used: Curiosity and Perseverance

Curiosity: Start 100%, 300,5h/ End 89%, 300.7h

Perseverance: Start 100%, 310.0h/ End 86%, 310.4h

Operations Report – March 11th

SOL: 23

Name of person filing report: Robin GORIUS

Non-nominal systems: Robotic observatory, toilet alarm

Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June


Spirit rover : not used

Opportunity rover: not used

Curiosity rover: used

Hours: 300.7h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 89%

Currently charging: ?

Perseverance rover: used

Hours: 310.4h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 86%

Currently charging: ?

General notes on rovers: Perseverance had parking brake issues when arriving at the hab. It seems like it wasn’t pushed down completely when driving. Later mission support reported a flat tire when fixing the parking brake. Everything is repaired now.

Summary of Hab operations: Sport, experiments

Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)

Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 6:48 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 13.07gl
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes):11.77gl

Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 205.24gl

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off) : on

Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): no

Summary of internet: used from 7 pm to 9 pm for reports

Summary of suits and radios:

Suits :

1 -> 100%, not used

2 -> 100%, not used

3 -> 100% , not used

4 -> 100%, not used

6 -> 100%, not used

7 -> 100%, used

8 -> 100%, used

9 -> 100%, used

10 -> 100%, used

Suits : Chargers had been put back with their designated suits as asked by mission support.

Radios : Nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants were watered

WATER USE: 7.5 gallons

Heater (On or Off): On

Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5 to 10 pm

Harvest (name, weight in grams): None

Summary of ScienceDome operations: experiments

Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On Heat

Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): None

Summary of any observatory issues: None

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

GreenHab Report – March 11th

Crew 311 GreenHab Report 11-03-2025

GreenHab Officer: MOUMOUNI Meddi

Environmental control (fan & heater): Yes

Average temperatures (last 24h): 80 F

Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94 F

Minimum temperature (last 24h): 72 F

Hours of supplemental light: 5 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 7 ½ Gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 93 ½ Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10am & 5pm

Changes to crops: None

Narrative: Pretty cloudy day. Other than that, nothing particular to
note here. Not much happened in the GreenHab. Continued to clean the
GreenHab in preparation for the end of our mission at the MDRS

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed: None

Sol Summary – March 11th

Crew 311 Sol Summary Report 11-03-2025

Sol: 23

Summary Title: The rover has landed

Author’s name: Erin Pougheon, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, 4 crew members performed an EVA at Kissing Camel Ridge. The aim was to find all checkpoints placed here the day before thanks to a 2D map. They were successful and while they were searching, Crew Scientist was taking pictures again of the area to retry to create the 3D map for tomorrow’s EVA. Meanwhile, in the station, we started to organize how to uninstall and pack the experiments for the end of the week.

In the afternoon, we prepared the 3D map and continued working on the experiments, knowing that only a few sessions remained!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be the last EVA of photogrammetry of the mission, in the morning. In the afternoon, we’ll have our last session of brainstorming to bring up optimization solutions for the station. On Sol 25, no EVA is planned, and we’ll start to uninstall and pack experiments. On Sol 26 in the morning, we plan the last EVA of the mission to pick up the atmospheric instrument, and we’ll spend the rest of the day cleaning and packing, before breaking the simulation by the end of Sol 26.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 35 F / 70 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report #14, EVA Request #15, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos.

Support Requested: None

Astronomy Report – March 10th

[category  astronomy-report]

Name: Quentin Berlemont

Crew: 311

Date: 03/10/2025


Robotic Telescope Used (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF RCOS-16

Objects to be Imaged this Evening:

Images submitted with this report:

Problems Encountered:


Solar Features Observed: Sunspots, prominences

Images submitted with this report: 1

Problems Encountered: Good evening Peter, I am purposely taking less
detailed pictures than the previous weeks because for my project I need
contrast only on the sunspots zones. Here is an example. I was wondering
if there was a way to know which is the real orientation of the sun, and
which way it is turning while making an observation. During the span of
a day, as the telescope moves, the sun’s orientation as seen by the camera evolves, and I would like to make it stay the same.

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