Journalist Report – March 1st

Here is the link to our mid-mission video!

SOL 13: Life on Mars

04:35 PM: Saturday finally arrives at the station, but contrary to what one might think, it’s a very intense day for the entire crew. Throughout the week, many of us have been working on a project that was particularly close to our hearts: the mid-mission video. On Monday, I started by editing and adjusting the music so that it wouldn’t be too long but would remain intense, with different phases and drops. Starting the very next day, everyone began filming all the modules of the station and sorting through the videos already produced during the first week. Somaya started working on the editing, assisted by Célyan and Robin. Quentin decided to create a video of the Sun. He worked for hours, and the result is in the video… It was difficult to hide such a project through the reports given how invested we were, but the days are so full at the station that there’s always something to talk about regarding our adventures!

This morning, Meddi, Quentin, and Erin went on another EVA to sketch observations of the sand strata of the desert reliefs in the North Ridge area. This was Erin’s second EVA in as many days! It’s an intense experience since wearing an EVA suit has a similar effect to carrying a large backpack under the hot desert sun. This EVA also allowed us to retrieve a highly anticipated package: the "refill"! This consists of our supply boxes for the end of the mission. It’s very nice to have the choice to eat what we want, as we felt at lunch today, but it’s also important to manage our supplies well to have coherent and balanced meals until the last day.

Tonight, we reach the halfway point of our "Martian" stay, just as we begin the month of March. But this doesn’t mean that the rest will be easy; who knows what these next two weeks hold? The experiments are finally starting to yield results, some have barely begun, and each one is an adventure we can’t wait to start!

Astronomy Report – March 1st

[category  astronomy-report]

Astronomy Report

Name: Quentin Berlemont

Crew: 311

Date: 03/01/2025


Robotic Telescope Used (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF RCOS-16

Objects to be Imaged this Evening:

Images submitted with this report:

Problems Encountered:


Solar Features Observed: Sunspots, prominences

Images submitted with this report: 3 at

Problems Encountered: I’m sending you a link to the 3 animations I made
over the last days, I’m especially happy about the GIGADINGZ one, you
can really see the difference of quality after I finally managed to tune
properly. I hope the .gif are readable for you and you can access the

EVA Report – March 1st

Crew 311 EVA Report 01-03-2025

EVA # 08

Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer)

Purpose of EVA:Collecting the resupply at the start of the EVA then going to Marble Rituals to change the batteries of the atmospheric instruments, and Finally going to North Ridge to do Stratigraphy including sketches and drone photos by walking around north ridge main mountain. This will also be a way of testing the drones that encountered some minor battery issues during #05 & #07 EVA. Going back to the MDRS directly after that.

Start time: 9am

End time: 11am

Narrative: Successfully collected the resupply in front of the Hab, then drove to the atmospheric instruments at Marble Rituals to change batteries. When finished, walked back to the rovers to go to North Ridge and stopped the rovers at the intersection of Cow Dung Road & Gateway to Candor. Went to the East and North face of North Ridge and made sketches of the North ridge stratigraphy. We then managed to do some of the drone testing we wanted to do but time ran short so we headed back to the MDRS using the rovers.

Destination: Marble Rituals & North Ridge mountain

Coordinates : 518250 E, 4250750 N ; 519000 E 4251750 N

Participants: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer, EVA Leader), Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander), Quentin BERLEMONT (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Walking to collect the resupply. Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. Then, driving to North Ridge and walking around North Ridge to do stratigraphy. Then coming back to the base driving the rovers

Vehicles used:

Perseverance : Beginning 100%, 306.4h / End 91%, 306.6h

Curiosity : Beginning 90%, 298h / End 89%, 298.2h

GreenHab Report – March 1st

Crew 311 GreenHab Report 01-03-2025
GreenHab Officer: MOUMOUNI Meddi
Environmental control (fan & heater): Yes
Average temperatures (last 24h): 81 F
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94 F
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 74 F
Hours of supplemental light: 5hrs
Daily water usage for crops: 11 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1L
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 72 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9am & 5pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Harvested some basil for lunch, took some photos for outreach
purposes. Crew Journalist took care of the crops while I was doing an
EVA, in the afternoon I watered the plants a second time.
Harvest: 15g Basil
Support/supplies needed: None

Operations Report – March 1st

SOL: 13

Name of person filing report: Robin GORIUS

Non-nominal systems: Robotic observatory, toilet alarm

Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June


Spirit rover : not used

Opportunity rover: not used

Curiosity rover: used

Hours: 298.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 89%

Currently charging: ?

Perseverance rover: used

Hours: 306.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 91%

Currently charging: ?

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations: Sport, experiments

Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)

Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 6:22 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 10.29gl
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes):12.34gl

Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 331gl

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off) : on

Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): no

Summary of internet: used from 7 pm to 9 pm for reports

Summary of suits and radios:

Suits :

1 -> 100%, not used

2 -> 100%, not used

3 -> 100% , used

4 -> 100%, not used

6 -> 100%, not used

7 -> 100%,not used

8 -> 100%, used

9 -> 100%, used

10 -> 100%, not used

Radios : Nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants were watered and harvested

WATER USE: 11 gallons

Heater (On or Off): On

Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5 to 10 pm

Harvest (name, weight in grams): 15g basil

Summary of ScienceDome operations: experiments

Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On Heat

Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): None

Summary of any observatory issues: None

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Trash bags are in the RAM airlock for pickup, thank you.

Sol Summary – March 1st

Crew 311 Sol Summary Report 01-03-2025

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Life on March

Author’s name: Erin Pougheon, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: For this first day of March on Mars, also being the mid-mission day, Crew 311 started the day with an EVA to pick up the resupply for the end of the mission. They also went to Marble Rituals to change batteries for the atmospheric instruments and walked around North Ridge to look for some areas to draw for the stratigraphy experiment.

In the afternoon, everyone was centered on the mid-mission video. The Crew Commander also conducted some interviews with everyone, to check on the crew’s global well-being!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be a rest day for everyone, as it is Sunday. We plan to clean the station and have a longer sport session after sleeping a little bit longer in the morning!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 50 F / 65 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report #08, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos.

Support Requested: None

Journalist Report – February 28th

SOL 12: Silence, It’s Micro-greening!
02:48 PM: The early afternoon is quite calm at the Mars Desert Research Station. This morning, Erin and Célyan went out to find beacons in Candor Chasma, closely monitored by Robin. They had taken notes using a very precise 3D map, created from images taken by the Parrot drone! The results are very conclusive. They located all the beacons in 47 minutes, even though one of them was misplaced on the map. They took advantage of the remaining time to explore the canyon a bit and even found a viewpoint over the station that allowed for audible radio communications with Meddi, who was then HABCOM. But such an excursion is tiring. Once back at the station, the entire team enjoyed a small granola bar followed by a hearty meal to revitalize.

At the time of writing these words, the crew is on break and silence accompanies the sleep of our 3 explorers.

It’s also in silence that, for two weeks now, new little inhabitants have been trying to make their way into the base: the micro-greens. It’s hard to imagine a botanical project lasting only one month, but these small plants make such an experience possible! A micro-green will reach sufficient size after one to two weeks of germination and growth. This is perfect because we are on SOL 12! Tonight, Meddi, our botanist, plans to have us answer a questionnaire, and we should taste these little condiments for the first time this weekend. They come at just the right moment, which means exactly when we don’t really know what else to put in our plates, since our provisions for the second half of the mission arrive on Saturday.

06:40 PM: Erin recently assessed our water consumption. Each of us consumes approximately 5.16 liters per day, which is very little considering the toilets, dishwashing, drinking water, and even that used to rehydrate our freeze-dried foods! We take care to measure everything that comes out of our taps from the first day of the mission, which means we pour everything into measuring cups or containers whose volume has already been measured. It’s a particular habit but one that is now an integral part of our routine.

EVA Report – February 28th

Crew 311 EVA Report 28-02-2025

EVA # 7

Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer, Habcom of the EVA)

Purpose of EVA: Atmospheric experiments data collection and battery change then going to Candor Chasma to find checkpoints with a 3D map. We’ll also have the drone in front of the Science Dome while the drone pilot will control it from the inside of the Science Dome.

Start time: 9h00

End time: 12h00

Narrative: Started of the EVA by hopping in the rovers and deploying the drone for some mid-mission video shoots, then stopped at Marble rituals to change the batteries of atmospheric insrtuments & gathering the collected data. Finally went to Candor Chasma to do this week’s third photogrammetry experiment session. Went back to the base 1hour in advance thanks to their efficiency and picked up the drone.

Destination: Marble Rituals then Compass Rock (Candor Chasma)

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):518250 E, 4250750 N then 520000E, 4251750N

Participants: Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO), Erin Pougheon (Crew Commander and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Galileo road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. Then, driving to Compass rock and walking again to explore Candor Chasma. Walking to get the drone back before entering the MDRS.

Vehicles used:


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 71%

Start hours: 297.6

End hours: 298


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 58%

Start hours: 206.1

End hours: 206.6

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