Crew 310 Journalist Report 11Feb2025
Author: Jennifer García Carrizo, Crew Journalist
The Hypatia II crew started the day with an EVA at Barrainca Butte, where the geologist Marina Martinez had the opportunity to collect geologic samples using her VANTA Max portable X-ray fluorescence gun. With this instrument, she aims to apply geoconservacy on Mars by doing in situ analyses to discern between high scientific value samples from samples that would not be collected. The Scientist and Health Safety officer, Estel Blay, and the journalist, Jennifer García Carrizo, accompanied her to document her work in the field. They returned safely to the base after a walk in the spectacular Martian landscape.
To honor the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the crew made public their scientific and artistic project, which they have been working through several EVAs. A 40×40 meter cross was created in the martian landscape, to be captured by satellites in low Earth orbit.
Pythagoras and the method used by the ancient Egyptians to measure agricultural fields when the Nile River flooded, helped the crew to mark the region to deploy the macro-piece of art. The deployment was physically very demanding due to a tight timeline, as a consequence of adverse weather conditions during the first week on Mars. Moreover, the astronaut equipment, which weighs approximately 15 kilos, including gloves and other elements that hinder mobility, did not facilitate the task. The crew has undoubtedly done a great job. This action was part of an awareness online campaign #WomenLeaveTheirMark, which seeks to highlight the research of women scientists in the progress of science and knowledge.