Journalist Report – April 11th

Journalist Report – 11Apr2018

Author: Victoria Varone

Today was a quieter day for Blue Crew 192. We were a little tired from all the action of the last couple of days, so a short morning EVA was followed up by lunch and then a viewing of "The Martian," a movie that the whole crew enjoys that is surprisingly similar to our situation here at the hab.

Especially now since a crazy wind storm has been raging for the last couple of hours. A couple of the crew went out on an engineering EVA to check all around the hab site and secure anything that might blow away. They found a partially broken wooden railing that had broken off and become a stake, so that and the remaining shards were recovered and brought inside.

We’re planning an Italian-style meal tonight, pasta with garlic, olive oil, and cherry tomatoes from our own GreenHab. If the wind calms down and the skies are clear enough, we might cap the night off with some stargazing.

Journalist Report – April 10th

Journalist Report – 10 April 2018

Author: Richard Blakeman

We started this morning on a high note as I led crew members Ashok Narayanamoorthi and Victoria Varone out on our first Martian EVA. We specifically scheduled the day’s first EVA in the morning hours to avoid the strong afternoon sun, as crew members Joe Dituri and Andreaa Radulesco reported getting a little hot during their first EVA yesterday afternoon.

This allowed us to stay out a bit longer and explore further into the area, where we documented many different geologic formations, colors, and structures. We were very excited to come across erosion that was likely caused by liquid water flow, as well as some interesting animals tracks, both of which suggest possible life on Mars.

Our second EVA took place late in the afternoon, where crew members Joe Dituri and Andreaa Radulesco began by moving our third large water tank into the RAM for cleaning, which will be continued tomorrow. They locked up the RAM and headed out to explore under an overcast, cloudy sky.

Today was also our first day conducting two EVAs where we alternated crew members to allow for the best possible use of energy and time and to allow the whole crew enough time to explore the Red Planet.

Crew morale remains outstanding as we’ve been finding many ways to occupy our time, including minor fixes and adjustments around the hab, experimenting with cooking our dehydrated supply of food, brainstorming EVAs, and playing games. We also just found the hab’s stash of movies which will supply a wonderful additional dose of entertainment for our movie-loving crew.

Blue Crew 192 will continue their adventures on Mars tomorrow.

Richard Blakeman

Journalist Report – April 9th

Journalist Report

Author: Victoria Varone

Blue Crew 192’s first day of their mission was an exciting and hectic one. We started our mission taking a lot of photos and learning how to properly use our Martian vehicles and spacesuits. The crew got the hang of using the Martian vehicles quickly, including the two of our five crew members who had never previously driven ATVs.

The crew also continued experimenting with cooking the dehydrated food we were supplied for the mission, which turned out to be a bit more difficult than expected. But all the same, after some adjusting and improvisation with powdered butter, we enjoyed some pancakes for breakfast.

Being on a Martian mission has already proven to be a constant learning experience. Every action that we take, including seemingly simple tasks, usually ends with a group discussion about how the experience went, what worked and what didn’t, and what we should do differently next time.

We look forward to continuing our mission tomorrow.

Journalist Report – April 06th


6th, April 2018 MDRS time

河村信(クルージャーナリスト) Makoto Kawamura – crew journalist

本日Sol 13の昼下がり、その時はやってきました。

Journalist Report – Mar 29th

29th March 2018
Journalist Report

Makoto Kawamura

Three days since door has been closed.
This means that it has been three days since I could see the outside world directly. In the habitat base, it is through the window and the view is from the helmet if I wear the EVA (extra-vehicular activity) suit.
Mars is not an environment which allows the human body to feel its atmosphere directly. When I go to EVA, I am unable to do everything I could do. First of all, I cannot touch my face. I cannot blow my nose while in EVA as well. Even if I have seen this graceful view of the scene, I do not have the full-option to explain about my feeling. I cannot see the display on the camera and I feel it is difficult to manipulate my camera. Before coming here, I tried to carefully select my instruments. However, the freedom of the real world is far away from what I thought.
Important life material such as electricity, water, garbage, communication, even some daily material can turn our life to be deadly such as passing to the tunnel to the dark world step by step. This time that I cannot see the outside of the world is enough to feel that I am living in the different world right now.
This is, at the same time, that our team, Crew191, is trying to simulate being on Mars right now. From waking up in the morning to going to bed, we are attempting to spend a day on Mars honestly. That is why we have actively discussed the mission with each other and sometimes we have impoliteness while in the discussion. Even myself, I am surprised that I am changed by only closing door and this environment in the center of a desert. When humans reach Mars, the situation faced by us is going to be happening and I am sure that there is a someone who would like to report life on Mars in the next several years or decades, could be several centuries later.
When a journalist gets to Mars, what is going to be asked? And what should record? Although it is about a week to be a crew 191 member as well as life at the MDRS, I think that I should get back to regular life which is not inside of a box as much as I can.
Winds with sand are hitting our white dome when I see the outside through the window.
I think that the view of red desert and rocks through the window is the space that reminded me the opinion as well.

Journalist Report – April 05th


Water contaminated…
Water contaminated…
(Copy from MDRS Radio Conversation on SOL#08)

Water is essential for cells to function properly, means it enters into the composition of the cells. Water as a main constituent of blood contributes to the transport of nutrients to the cells. In deed the nutrients are transported by the blood. Water also is just as important to our bodies as it is to life on earth.
In our SIM at MDRS right now, we only can take shower once per 3 or 4 days. Not like on Earth (in reality) where we can actively – do a properly – wash our body as much as we want.
Anyway, talking about “water”, since we were born to this planet, water accounted for nearly 80 percent of our body weight and accounts for as much as 70 percent as our adult body. Similarly, nearly three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Unlike the earth, our “human body” can easily lose large percentages of its water content whereas all the water that existed on the earth millions of years ago is still present today.

NEW BUSSINESS ON MARS ; Can i have IceCream please…
Memory, Water, and Brain…
Which one you will choose if the only have one option to taking care the most… Hmm, NONE i guess ; and yup! those three option stay in one line direction in our body system. For example, our brain uses 20 percent of the total oxygen in your body. If your brain loses blood for 8 to 10 seconds, you will lose consciousness. And when we were born, our brain was almost the same size as an adult brain and contained most of the brain cells for your whole life. What do you think?
Related with the memory, every time we recall a memory or have a new thought, we are creating a new connection in your brain. And you know exactly “water” is the most we need on this body system.
And how about if we can put “our tent” on MARS and enjoy our entire life over there? And where i can buy ice-cream? 🙂 …Lately we heard that some scientist found clean water ice just below MARS surface, so then the next question is : Can we do mining there…or can we use water as much as we want to support our life in Red Planet?

Problem is, properties of that ice, how pure it is, how deep it goes, what shape it takes and also how big is that, are still a mystery. We didn,t know exactly until nowdays, but we are sure that there is “ice” under. But they also said, some trouble how to explore is, dirt, rocks, and other surface-level contaminants make it hard to study the stuff. MARS landers can dig or drill into some meters from the surface. Its possible to do in the coming years.
“On Mars, when you see something bright, it usually means ice,” says Richard Zurek, chief scientist for the MARS Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who was unaffiliated with the study.
Frozen water also lies beneath the surface. Scientists discovered a slab of ice as large as California and Texas combined in the region between the equator and north pole of the Red Planet. And the European Space Agency’s MARS Express spacecraft captured images of sheets of ice in the cooler, shadowed bottoms of craters, which suggests that liquid water can pool under appropriate conditions.

Seriously, its possible to make your DIY ice-cream on MARS mission. 🙂
(…like we did once during our SIM right now in MDRS…)

Journalist Report – April 4th

Hi CapCom,

this is the Journalist Report on sol 11.

Miho XO crew191


Diplomacy or Expansion of Humanity?
There is no doubt that MARS will be challenging.
Highly level of the research about MARS said that ; recent workshops and studies have also shown that missions to MARS are both achievable and affordable.
Its true, no one say that those statement are wrong, but why we need to jump into Red Planet where had not enough support life for human?
Sending a manned mission to MARS is a fantastic adventure…, many scientists said, BUT is that true?
Look at on the data, when we start to go for space travel, means that we are agree that : Living for any period of time in low gravity causes the human body to fall apart. The usual processes that keep bones strong and healthy do not function without gravity and the ability to apply a load. In deep space there is no gravity and so it becomes hard to load bones in the right way. Muscles can also waste away while cardiovascular fitness has also been seen to deteriorate. And to stay and to create a colony in MARS, we also have to think about there has also been some evidence that gravity can affect the way the brain works. Then from all of this could make the astronaut’s mission once they arrive on MARS automatically become much harder.

If we thought that this mission will be the huge expansion of humanity, then we need to start to think about our (realistic) imagination : to be sure, when we dream of the far future, we can easily envision beings that combine today’s human bodies with advanced technology to produce a human-machine hybrid far more capable of long journeys and survival in strange situations than individuals are today.
A bit opposite with the fact that when human go faraway for space travel also means no way to escape ; and potentially highly stressful situations to deal with, the crew (for example crew in MDRS) would need to also need to be exceptionally good at working as a team. Like now we took a SIM here in MDRS, do we feel we are isolated? What we are now?
Human (as a machine) and Machine (it self); which one stronger?
WE are a human !
Anyone who read this are human ! We have a (body) human.
Yes, human body is very complicated, very difficult machine or we can say that it is a biological autonomous system which depend to million numbers of parameters (we even never know how big all those data from our each body human). Our body is fully controlled machine which consist of many sub systems like input system (senses) , output system, processor (brain), memory, energy production system (digestion system + respiratory system), hardware system (musculoskeletal system), signal transmission system (central nerves system ) , and also of course a system for reproduction.
And the scary one is fact that, human become a machine rather than machine become a human, right?
The extent to which human beings are willing to be duped by computers is already very large. One doesn’t have to write a very sophisticated program to get people to treat it as if it were a living thing. You don’t have to build a very sophisticated robot to get people to treat it as if it were an animal. If it’s fluffy and it’s smiles or it woofs, or something like that, people are very ready and willing to smudge over the difference in their own minds between a computer and a human being.
So, what the near future for human civilization right now? MARS mission, or become a machine? OR the human as a machine mission to MARS? OR to generate a human machine in MARS?
One of the critical question was People think that MARS mission is a part of entertainment, and human as an ACTOR to keep going on producing an image about the Red Planet. Maybe this is a paradox for our life right now and in the same time could be a very good question for the next generation on Earth.
So, which one stronger then?
However, the body is not a machine. Machines are products of design, bodies are products of natural selection, and that makes them different in fundamental ways. The organic complexity of bodily mechanisms is qualitatively different from the mechanical complexities of machines.
And we are the human or the machine?
(Natalie Neo 2014)
As we grow, we learn that
it’s critical to be logical, and
it’s only logical to be critical.

As we learn, we strive to
Detach from what we were attached to, only being more
Attached to what we were trying to detach from.

As we strive, we realize that
Many things aren’t real
and real things aren’t many.

As we realize, we understand why
Humans hope, love and dream, as
hope, love and dreams make us –


Journalist Report – March 30th

Hi CapCom,

this is our Journalist Report on sol 6.


Miho XO crew191

MARS is a harsh, (and) cold world.

MDRS is a harsh, (but) cool time tunnel 🙂

Journalist Report

The First Shower and The First Coolness

MARS atmosphere is about more than 100 times thinner than Earth’s. And without a “thermal layer”, MARS can not retain any heat energy. On average, the temperature on MARS is about minus 80 degree Fahrenheit (equal : minus 60 degrees Celsius). And the next question is, why we “able” to feel cold?

Two thing that make me interested to find the answer of this question, first we feel cold because of Iron Level in our body, means that Iron is a critical part of the blood. It helps red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body, ensuring each cell can function properly. Equally, iron deficiency can impact this process, and it is believed that this can lead to feeling cold all the time. A scientific study aimed to identify the relationship between iron levels and body temperature. Other reason is Heat Transfer. , and remember that there are three ways that heat can transfer: conduction, convection and radiation.


How we can know that we have a feeling about things HOT or COLD then?

“Hot” and “cold” are relative terms that we can use to compare how things feel when they have more or less of a certain kind of energy we call heat.

Our Commander, Yusuke Murakami : took the first shower in the 2nd day of the mission, with “out of service heater” 🙂 Cold as hell he said,

Like a… “Mars ain’t no kind of place to raise your kids; in fact it’s cold as hell” sang the legend Elton John : “Rocket Man”!, and although the song was released in 1972 — four years before our robotic machine from earth was the first successful landing on MARS Planet. Once Again, MARS was our long period of the imagination on science fiction history before crazy scientist create a rocket. And MARS Isn’t as Earthlike as it might look.

MDRS is on Desert,

And Fact that ; In that way MARS is like an Earthly desert; even after a blisteringly hot day the temperatures can plummet at night, leaving an ill-prepared camper shivering beneath the cold glow of starlight. Except on MARS, where the Sun is only 50% as bright as on Earth and the atmosphere only 1% as dense, the nighttime lows dip to Arctic depths. Our experience here on MDRS took us into one journey of other side of imagination about MARS look like, and perhaps one project from Wataru Okamoto ; DIY machine called PM2.5 – a measurement instrument as for : Environmental Monitoring System will make complete. And in this mission, he can tell us about Calculation of Mass Concentration in the air and develop from Stand Alone instrument into wider range type of measurement tools that we can explore more to be aware about our environment.

“Deserts on Earth have very extreme temperature ranges,” says Mars Science Laboratory Deputy Project Scientist, Ashwin Vasavada. “So if you take a desert on Earth and put it in a very thin atmosphere 50% farther from the Sun, you’d have something like what we’re seeing at Gale Crater.”

Then we are here ! 🙂

So, how cold is space? That’s a nonsense question. It’s only when you put a thing in space, like a Space Ship, rock, MDRS space suit, or an astronaut, that you can measure temperature.

To the next our curiosity ; Are we ready for the COLD WORLD up there? MDRS is one of the option to test and to learn how to stay and focus on the rules and practicing MARS space protocol. Lots of impression and keep us warmer with those chaotic and activities. Like we sucked up into an alternate Time Tunnel 🙂

Journalist Report (Japanese) March 29th


29th, March 2018 MDRS time













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