greenhab report – november 12th

Crew 198 GreenHab Report – 12-NOV-2018

GreenHab Officer: Andrei

Environmental control: (Choose which of the following is appropriate and explain further if needed)


Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Low: 70

High 80

Hours of supplemental light: none

Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons

Water in Blue Tank—(full) unknown number of gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 0900

Changes to crops: Note all emergence of seedlings, death of seedlings, etc (These are also mandatory to write in the GreenHab book for 2018-2019) none

Narrative: no other information at this time

Harvest: This is our research so it is important that all harvested crops are noted and also weighed and that weight recorded in the GreenHab book and here.

Support/supplies needed:none

GreenHab Report – November 11th 2018

Dana Levin


Environmental control:

Ambient (no heating or/cooling)

Shade cloth off

Average temperature: (N/A until new sensor is delivered)

Changes to crops: Crops appear to be alive, no unexpected plants, animals, or other life has appeared

Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1730

Moringa research observations: (Currently not operational)

Changes to research plants: none

Daily watering and amount of water used:

Aquaponics: (Currently not operational)

Narrative: Today was the orientation to the greenhab, we now know how to take care of the plants and look forward to doing it in the future

Support/supplies needed: more water

GreenHab Report – May 25th

Greenhab Report

Dana Levin


Environmental control:


Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Low: 20C

High: 50C

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: yup… still dead

Daily water usage for crops: n/a

Time(s) of watering for crops: n/a

Moringa research observations: n/a

Changes to research plants: n/a

Aquaponics: n/a

Narrative: we held a ceremony for the dead crops and while we were not sure what religion plants typically follow, and we were unable to ask them as they are currently dead we are confident that the great garden in the sky (or perhaps in the ground) will receive them and they shall enjoy endless sunshine filled with an abundance of rain and miracle grow. Fare well Mars crops. We think of you often…

Support/supplies needed: n/a

Greenhab Report – May 24th

Dana Levin


Environmental control: Ambient

Shade cloth: on
Average temperatures: —
Low: 20C
High: 50C

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: Per Shannon, all crops had died prior to previous crews arrival. These crops remain dead

Daily water usage for crops: n/a

Time(s) of watering for crops: n/a

Moringa research observations: n/a

Changes to research plants: n/a

Aquaponics: n/a

Narrative: Greenhab was filmed by the film crew today but no other activities took place

Support/supplies needed: n/a

Greenhab Report – May 04th

GreenHab Report

Date: 4May2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: Briefly

Average temperatures: 26.9℃
Low: 15.3℃
High: 46.8℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Jedi-like. The life force is strong with these ones.

Daily water usage for crops: 9 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: at 0915 and again at 1830.

Morning research observations: The plants seemed to be humming the ‘Imperial March’

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Grow or not grow. There is not ‘try.’

Support/supplies needed: Light-sabres.

GreenHab Report – 03 May 2018

Date: 3May2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: Briefly

Average temperatures: 39.0℃

Low: 15.2℃

High: 43.5℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: at 0915 and again at 1615

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: The plants are very happy with their care, but are eager to try some of this ‘Starbucks’ they’ve been hearing so much about, so if you would please pass some this way…

Support/supplies needed: None

Green Hab Report – May 2nd

Hello Mission Control,

Please find below the Green Hab Report for May 2, 2018.

Green Hab Report

Date: 2 May 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 34.5 C

Low: 15.4℃

High: 52.1℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 10 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 1000am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes.

Support/supplies needed: None

Greenhab Report – May 1st

GreenHab Report

Date: 1May2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 22.1 ℃

Low: 16.8℃

High: 52.7℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Yellowing resolving, plants seem to be in slightly better health.

Daily water usage for crops: 7.75 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 0800 and at 1730.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Yellowed plants are are turning green again after extra watering. Started singing to them today. Selections included Queen (Greatest Hits). If they rise from the dead overnight, we’ll be on to something.

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – April 30th

GreenHab Report

Date: 30Apr2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 24.3 ℃

Low: 15.5℃

High: 50.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Yellowing resolving, plants seem to be in slightly better health.

Daily water usage for crops: 7.25 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 0800 and at 1845.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Yellowed plants are are turning green again after extra watering. It may or may not help that we are talking to them gently but lovingly.

Support/supplies needed: None

Greenhab Report – April 29th

Green Hab Report
Date: 29 Apr 2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon
Shade cloth: on
Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 34.6 C
Low: 14.7℃
High: 51.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 900am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes. Plants that were yellowing are turning green again after extra watering.

Support/supplies needed: None

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