EVA Report – February 28th

Crew 311 EVA Report 28-02-2025

EVA # 7

Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer, Habcom of the EVA)

Purpose of EVA: Atmospheric experiments data collection and battery change then going to Candor Chasma to find checkpoints with a 3D map. We’ll also have the drone in front of the Science Dome while the drone pilot will control it from the inside of the Science Dome.

Start time: 9h00

End time: 12h00

Narrative: Started of the EVA by hopping in the rovers and deploying the drone for some mid-mission video shoots, then stopped at Marble rituals to change the batteries of atmospheric insrtuments & gathering the collected data. Finally went to Candor Chasma to do this week’s third photogrammetry experiment session. Went back to the base 1hour in advance thanks to their efficiency and picked up the drone.

Destination: Marble Rituals then Compass Rock (Candor Chasma)

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):518250 E, 4250750 N then 520000E, 4251750N

Participants: Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO), Erin Pougheon (Crew Commander and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Galileo road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. Then, driving to Compass rock and walking again to explore Candor Chasma. Walking to get the drone back before entering the MDRS.

Vehicles used:


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 71%

Start hours: 297.6

End hours: 298


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 58%

Start hours: 206.1

End hours: 206.6

EVA Report – March 1st

Crew 311 EVA Report 01-03-2025

EVA # 08

Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer)

Purpose of EVA:Collecting the resupply at the start of the EVA then going to Marble Rituals to change the batteries of the atmospheric instruments, and Finally going to North Ridge to do Stratigraphy including sketches and drone photos by walking around north ridge main mountain. This will also be a way of testing the drones that encountered some minor battery issues during #05 & #07 EVA. Going back to the MDRS directly after that.

Start time: 9am

End time: 11am

Narrative: Successfully collected the resupply in front of the Hab, then drove to the atmospheric instruments at Marble Rituals to change batteries. When finished, walked back to the rovers to go to North Ridge and stopped the rovers at the intersection of Cow Dung Road & Gateway to Candor. Went to the East and North face of North Ridge and made sketches of the North ridge stratigraphy. We then managed to do some of the drone testing we wanted to do but time ran short so we headed back to the MDRS using the rovers.

Destination: Marble Rituals & North Ridge mountain

Coordinates : 518250 E, 4250750 N ; 519000 E 4251750 N

Participants: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer, EVA Leader), Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander), Quentin BERLEMONT (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Walking to collect the resupply. Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. Then, driving to North Ridge and walking around North Ridge to do stratigraphy. Then coming back to the base driving the rovers

Vehicles used:

Perseverance : Beginning 100%, 306.4h / End 91%, 306.6h

Curiosity : Beginning 90%, 298h / End 89%, 298.2h

EVA Report – February 24th

EVA # 05

Author: Robin GORIUS, Crew engineer

Purpose of EVA : Atmospheric physics instrument battery change and data retrieval. Candor Chasma exploration and 3D mapping with a drone.

Start time: 09:30 AM

End time: 01:30 PM

Narrative: EVA Crew entered the Airlock at 09:30 AM and left the station with rovers Spirit and Opportunity at 09:35 AM. They drove to Marble Rituals and arrived at 9:40 AM. They walked in the west and arrived at the atmospheric instruments location at 9:43AM. They retrieved the data and changed the battery before going back to the rovers at 10:12 AM. They drove to Candor Chasma on Galileo road 1104 and arrived on site at 10:40 AM. They walked down to the canyon and started exploring and 3D mapping. They came back to the rovers at 12:41 PM and drove back to the station. They arrived at 1:04 PM and entered the airlock at 1:26 PM.

Destination: Marble Rituals and Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N then 520000E, 4251750N

Participants: Meddi Moumouni (greenHab officer) , Quentin Berlemont (Astronomer), Robin Gorius. (Crew engineer and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Galileo road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers then driving to compass rock and walking again to explore Candor Chasma.


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 71%

Start hours: 277

End hours: 278.2


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 70%

Start hours: 289

End hours: 290.2

EVA Report – February 26th

EVA # 06

Author: Isolde LOUZIER-RICALENS, Crew Journalist

Purpose of EVA : Atmospheric physics instrument battery change and data retrieval. Candor Chasma exploration.

Start time: 09:30 AM

End time: 01:30 PM

Narrative: EVA Crew entered the Airlock at 09:31 AM and left the station with rovers Curiosity and Perseverance at 09:36 AM. They drove to Marble Ritual and arrived at 9:41 AM. They walked in the west and arrived at the atmospheric instruments location at 9:45AM. They retrieved the data and changed the battery before going back to the rovers at 10:10 AM. They drove to Candor Chasma on Galileo road 1104 and arrived on site at 10:25 AM. They walked down to the canyon and started exploring. They came back to the rovers at 01:03 PM and drove back to the station. They arrived at 1:17 PM and entered the airlock at 1:26 PM.

Destination: Marble Rituals and Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N then 520000E, 4251750N

Participants: Meddi Moumouni (greenHab officer) , Somaya Bennani (Scientist), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Journalist and EVA leader).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Galileo road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers then driving to compass rock and walking again to explore Candor Chasma.


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 72%

Start hours: 297.1

End hours: 297.6


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 72%

Start hours: 305.7

End hours: 306.4

Remark: EVA suit n°7 has a false contact on its on/off switch, so the ventilation was stopping several times during the EVA, even after switching "off" "on", or pushed higher the switch on "on".

EVA Report – February 22nd

Crew 311 EVA Report 22-02-2025
EVA # 04
Author: Célyan Ferret, HSO
Purpose of EVA: Installation of sign to deter tourist from touching LOAC
(aerosol counter), MegaArès/Field Mill (electromagnetic field sensors)
and the weather station.
Collect data from LOAC and MegaArès/Field Mill. Then collect geological
data with a drone along 1103 road by foot and then along Hab Ridge road
direction North if we have the time.
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 11:58 AM
Narrative: EVA Crew entered the HAB Airlock at 08:55 AM and left the
station at 09:00 AM. Somaya and Quentin took the Curiosity rover and
Célyan and Meddi took the Perseverance rover. We arrived all together at
9:18 AM at the atmospheric instruments (518250 E, 4250750 N). We
collected the data, plant the signs and take pictures. We left to go
back to the station in the rovers. We arrived at the station and started
to walk for the stratigraphy experiment at 10:30 AM. Once at sufficient
high we started the drone (3.4076453465201, -110.7928409212195 :
coordinate of the location tracker at the lower deck) and took pictures
and videos. We walked all the way up to Hab Ridge and we arrived at
11:19 AM.
Once all the pictures and videos taken for the stratigraphy and the
communication we went back by foot to the station. We entered the HAB
Airlock at 11:58 AM.
Destination: Marble Rituals, Going back to the MDRS and then Hab Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N (Atmospheric
Instruments) then 518100 E, 4251600 N (Stratigraphy)
Participants: Célyan Ferret (HSO and EVA Leader), Meddi Moumouni (Green
Hab Officer and having the legal papers to fly the drone), Quentin
Berlemont (Crew Astronomer), Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 for the atmospheric
instruments part. Then, between Hab Ridge road and 1103 road.
Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity and Perseverance
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 90%
Start hours: 297
End hours: 297
Perseverance :
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 91%
Start hours: 305.6
End hours: 305.7

EVA Report – February 13th

Crew 310 EVA Report 13Feb2025

EVA # 20
Author: Dr. Marina Martínez (Geologist and GreenHab Officer)
Purpose of EVA:
1. Collect geologic samples using the VANTA portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer and other geologic tools. The objectives are 1) to collect the widest variety of lithologic samples during an EVA and 2) obtain compositional analyses in situ to collect samples of high scientific value.
2. Film the crew activities for a documentary (Marta Ferrer, Filmmaker)
3. Fly the drone
4. Take pictures of the corner reflector that is installed next to the base
Start time: 9:45
End time: 13:00
The EVA was successful. We reached each of our different destinations, where we explored the areas, analyzed some samples using the VANTA XRF analyzer, and collected the samples that have scientific value. When we arrived at the MDRS HAB, some scenes for the documentary were filmed and some pictures were taken to the corner reflector. Insufficient light prevented the drone from being flown.
1. Midway between Cowboy Corner and intersection between main road (Cow Dung Road 0110) and Brahe Hwy 1572.
2. Cowboy Corner (Cow Dung Road 0110).
3. Intersection between Galileo Road and the main road, Cow Dung Road 0110.
4. Pooh’s corner
5. Entrance of the MDRS
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
1. 518000 N, 4254000 E
2. 518500 N, 4253000 E
3. 519000 N, 4252250 E
4. 519000 N, 4251250 E
5. Entrance of the MDRS
6. 20 meters NW the HAB
Participants: Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer), Ariadna Farrés (Commander), Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker), Helena Arias (Crew Engineer).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: We followed the main road, Cow Dung Road 0110 North until our first destination and drove south to each location, until the HAB.
Mode of travel:
We used the rovers Sprit (Marina Martínez and Helena Arias) and Opportunity (Marta Ferrer and Ariadna Farrés).

EVA Report – February 14th

Crew 310 EVA Report 14-02-2025
EVA #22
Author: Estel Blay
Purpose of EVA: Reflector Calibration & Media Content Creation
Start time: 9:30
End time: 11:30
First, we added rocks to the concrete patch of the reflector to prevent reflections from the concrete surface. This adjustment helps make the calibrations more robust. Additionally, we recorded an interview with the Mission Specialist, in which she explains how the reflector works, as well as the Journalist’s opening video for the 360 virtual tour of the MDRS. Finally, we also recorded a video of us playing with a Barça football ball, which will be used for an upcoming media campaign.
Destination: MDRS Base
Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 5185000 E, 4252000 N
EVA Participants: Helena Arias (Engineer) (EVA Leader), Estel Blay (HSO, Scientist), Mònica Roca (Mission Specialist), Jennifer García (Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: –
Mode of travel: Walking
Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): –

EVA Report – February 9th

Crew 310 EVA Report 09Feb2025

EVA # 12

Author: Mònica Roca (Mission Specialist)

Purpose of EVA: This EVA had two purposes:

1. Installing one of the horizontal bars in the Corner Reflector structure that will hold the antenna in its final configuration.

2. Taking some images and videos of the reflector, the station, the surroundings of the station using a drone. Also exploring the area of Cowboy Corner from the air using a drone. Getting to Cowboy Corner with the rovers and take the images only walk up to 200 meters from the rovers. On the way to Cowboy Corner were planning to stop at Ridge to take some images.

Start time: 09:30

End time: 12:30

We exited the base and walked slowly uphill to the concrete patch, with the bars and tools needed. We also took the drone with us and took some images and videos of the Corner Reflector installation. Then we proceeded to the CR and installed one of the bars. We realised that the second bar had one of the holes slightly misplaced so we went to the RAM and fixed it. Then we went back to the reflector and mounted the bar. We also took measurements of thew third bar that we will install tomorrow.

We were planning to explore the area of Cowboy Corner, but unfortunately we used all the EVA time with thew Corner Reflector. So we achieved purpose 1 but only partially achieved purpose 2, as we only tool images of the CR and the station.


20 meters NW the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 5185000 E, 4251700 N

Participants: 3: Helena Arias (Engineer) (EVA Leader), Mònica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist), and Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:

For the first part of the EVA, we will walk up the little hill behind the HAB (20 meters NW), up to the concrete area. The second part of the EVA was cancelled, so no route was used.

Mode of travel:
Only walk, we did not use any of the rovers in the end.

EVA Report – February 10th

Crew 310 EVA Report 10-02-2025

EVA # 14

Author: Mònica Roca (Mission Specialist)

Purpose of EVA: Installing the last bar in the Corner Reflector structure that will hold the antenna in its final configuration. Moving the antenna to its final configuration. Fixing to the ground the coaxial cable from the antenna to the received located inside the HAB, with pegs.

Start time: 09:30

End time: 12:30

We exited the base through the RAM airlock and walked slowly uphill to the concrete patch, with the last bar and the tools needed. We also took the drone with us and took some images and videos of the Corner Reflector installation. We proceeded to the CR and installed the last of the bars. Then, we moved the antenna to its final configuration, using the three mounted bars that hold the stick with the antenna on top. We attached the stick to the bars and levelled the antenna and stick. After some adjustments, the installation worked perfectly. Finally we fixed the coaxial cable to the ground with pegs.

With this EVA we have completed the Corner Reflector installation. We are correctly receiving data fro the GNSS antenna, and the first satellite pass from Sentinel-3B will be on the 14th of February at 17:51:40 UTC and Sentinel-3A on the 17Feb at 04:56:16 UTC.

Destination:20 meters NW the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 5185000 E, 4251700 N

Participants: 3: Mònica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) (EVA Leader), Helena Arias (Engineer), and Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:

Walk up the little hill behind the HAB (20 meters NW).

Mode of travel: Only walk.

EVA Report – February 11th

Crew 310 EVA 17 Report 11Feb2025

EVA # 16
Author: Estel Blay
Purpose of EVA: collect geologic samples using a VANTA Max portable X-ray fluorescence gun.
Start time: 9:37
End time: 12:30
Narrative: The crew geologist successfully collected geologic samples using the VANTA Max portable X-ray fluorescence gun. This innovative tool allowed her to conduct in-situ analyses, enabling us to apply geoconservation techniques on Mars by discerning which samples held high scientific value and which may not have been necessary for collection. Additionally, Jennifer García, the crew Journalist, and Estel Blay, the Crew Scientist and Health Safety Officer, documented the findings and experiences throughout the EVA with photographs and drone flights.
Destination: Barrainca Butte
Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 4247500 N, 519000 W
EVA Participants: Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer), Jennifer García, Crew Journalist, and Estel Blay, Crew Scientist and Health Safety officer
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: following the main road, Cow Dung Road 0110 North, we will arrive at the intersection with 1101 and park the rovers. From there, we will walk to Barrainca Butte.
Mode of travel: (walking or driving)? Driving until the destination. Walk while there, approximately in a 500 meters radius.
Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Spirit (Marina Martínez and Estel Blay), Curiosity (Jennifer García).

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