Operations Report – September 16th

[category operations-report]

MDRS Complete Operations Report 16-SEPT-2021

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Reason for Report: Routine daily

Non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Action taken for non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Generator: Nothing to report

ScienceDome Dual Split: Off

Solar— Nominal, providing all power

Solar— SOC % Last 24 hours:

Average 92.8

Minimum 80

Maximum 100

Note on solar: Nothing to report

Diesel Reading – Empty, tank to be removed soon

Propane Reading, station tank – 80%

Propane Reading, director tank— 74%

Propane Reading, intern tank— 72%

Propane Reading, generator: 80%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 5 gallons (although I can’t find the gas can)

Water (loft tank): 50 gallons

Water Meter: n/a units

Water (static tank) – 225 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – no

Water in GreenHab – 20 gallons

Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons

Water (Outpost tank) – 210 gallons

Hab toilet tank emptied: no

Perseverance rover used: no

Hours: 219.4

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used: yes


Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used: no

Hours: 136.9

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: no

Hours: 72.3

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 95

Currently charging: no

Curiosity rover used: no

Hours: 144.4

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: I was looking at the problem with the rovers regarding the damage they do to the spacesuits. What really needs to happen is to attach the seat back in the manner that we did to the former Deimos, now Percy.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): no

Reason for use: nothing to report

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: 5 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report

HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to gather garbage to take to town tomorrow. I forgot to note earlier that the shifter has broken but it is still usable.

CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to town to do laundry. I forgot to note yesterday that I drove it on the dry, paved roads in 4×4. It had been put in 4×4 by someone on the work party, and I didn’t notice it before I drove it. I tested it in all 4 modes and there appears to be no damage. I do need to get this vehicle in for repairs as soon as I can get someone to drive with me to drop it off for service. It needs work on the undercarriage.

Luna used and why, where? Yes, to go to storage units and pick up all materials related to spacesuits

General notes and comments: The storage units are not yet cleaned out but they have been emptied of much unused materials. What will be left when completed will be stored in a single unit and will include the HabCar rear seat, rear seat backs for the rovers, Ikea materials for the ScienceDome and the observatory materials. The power tools will be relocated to the station, and what little remains will either be stored here in the shed, given away, or stored with the URC materials in the one remaining unit.

Summary of internet: All nominal.

Summary of suits and radios: The NorCal Chapter representatives will be here tomorrow with the suits. In addition, while they were here they will go through the suit materials that have been stored in the storage unit. I brought these materials out to the station today so they will be able to go through them here.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Lift boom (or is it boom lift?) and power washer are still here. Not sure when they will be picked up.

Summary of general operations: Nothing to report

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of Outpost operations: Replaced the clothesline (such excitement!)

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: Nothing to report

Operations Report – April 17th

[category operations-report]

Crew 245 Operations Report 17-04-2021

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Shravan Hariharan

Non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Notes on non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Generator: Working nominally

Hours run: 7

From what time last night: 10:00 pm, SOC 57%

To what time this morning: 5:00 am, SOC 100%

List any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar— SOC 45% at 7:40 pm (Before generator is run at night),

Diesel Reading – 50%

Station Propane Reading – 73%

Water (loft tank): 15 gallons

Water Meter: 150460.4 units

Water (static tank): 340 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water in GreenHab: 0 gallons

Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Spirit rover used: no

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: yes, in town

Opportunity rover used: no

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: no, in town

Curiosity rover used: no

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: yes, in town

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 203.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 86%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Nothing to report

ATV’s Used: 350.2

Reason for use: EVA

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: 1 gallon (estimated)

# Hours the ATVs were used today: 6 (but 1.5 hours of active transit)

Notes on ATVs: Mission Director will monitor and refuel ATVs for duration of mission

HabCar used and why, where?: No

CrewCar used and why, where?: No

General notes and comments: Nothing to report

Summary of internet: Internet is working nominally. Crew did not consume allotted bandwidth last night so there was an additional bandwidth bonus available today.

Summary of suits and radios: All radios nominal, all suits currently charging. Suits 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11 all used for EVA today. Suit 7 battery would not charge after EVA, and Suit 9 battery was not producing sufficient power output even when fully charged, so both were replaced.

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report besides nominal crew activities.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Being used to host Crew Botanist botany experiment. Crew Botanist briefly checked plant growth and health in GreenHab today.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

Final Schedule for the 2019-2020 Field Season

This one can be released to the public:

Final Schedule for the 2019-2020  field season:

Oct 17-20, 2019—Mars Society Conference, Los Angeles

Oct 22-25— IKEA Work Party

Crew 214—Oct 26- Nov10— MSA ExBoomerang

Crew 215—Nov 9-24, 2019— MSA ExBoomerang

Crew 216—Nov 23—Dec 8, 2019— A.R.E.S. (Mars Society crew)

Crew 217—Dec 7-14— Spaceward Bound Utah (Utah NASA Space Consortium Grant)

Dec 14-22— Holiday Break

Crew 218—Dec 21, 2019- Jan 5, 2020— Purdue

Crew 219—Jan 4-19 — ARES  (Florida Tech)

Crew 220—Jan 18-Feb 2— Mars Academy

Crew 221—Feb 1-16— Earth 2 Mars

Crew 222—Feb 15-Mar 1 —Supaero I

Crew 223—Feb 29-Mar 15— Supaero II

Crew 224—Mar 14-21—Wilderness Medical Society class

Crew 225—Mar 22-29—University of Colorado 2 Mars class

Crew 226—Mar 28-Apr 12–  Colombia

Crew 227—Apr 11-26—UCL

Crew 228—Apr 25-May 10—Mars Society II

Crew 229—May 9-24—Work Party

May 28-30– University Rover Challenge

Crew 230– June 1-8, 2020— Medical Makers

Crew 231—June 8-15—Martian Biology II

June 22-28—Astronomy Team Summer Residency

Crew 197 arrives at the MDRS in 10 days!

Crew 197 (VR CrowdExplorers)

Overall Goals of Mission

  1. Create a research whitepaper for using VR to train analog simulation participants.
  2. Pilot out MarsVR Training scenarios and script/enact new scenarios.
  3. Update interior/exterior scans for MarsVR future releases.
  4. Capture video & 360 footage for future promotional videos.
  5. Prepare the station for beginning of field season.
    • Installation of new Donor & Memorial plaques. (James)
    • Start up some plants in the GreenHab.
    • Setup of new HAL workstation & displays. (James)
    • Updates to Internet Router firmware & configuration. (James)
    • Other logistical tasks.

Crew will be IN SIM starting the afternoon of Sol 1 (October 22).

MDRS Photogrammetry Scans Completed

The MarsVR team has completed their scans of the MDRS facilities and terrain.  Several Matterport 360 walkthoughs are already available, and the team will be working this summer to create the full photo-realistic VR environment for MDRS crew training, that will be put into use for next field season.

Read More

Call for help on VR project – June 19th – 25th

Hi all,
To support the creation of a VR environment for future MDRS crew training and research, we will be conducting scans and drone operations at the MDRS starting on June 19th for around a week.  We’d like to get help from a past crewmember at the MDRS.  Please let us know if you are interested in helping out with our project – we can work out your travel arrangements.  Please forward this to anybody that might be interested in participating.
More info on our project is at: http://marsvr.io


James Burk

Program Manager, MarsVR


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