Please let me know if I am supposed to do something different with the photos. Thanks.
EVA Report February 1st
[category EVA-report]
Crew 240 EVA Report 02-01-2022
EVA #1
Author: Clément Plagne
Purpose of EVA: First in-sim EVA experience, acquaintance with procedures
Start time: 10:03
End time: 11:00
Narrative: Pre-EVA briefing went smoothly, and we drove to the spot safely and slowly. Finding my bearings with the map and getting my confidence back took a smidge more time than I expected, but we arrived at Marble Ritual without any delay. We walked on Marble Ritual, and a little bit around its rocky formation to get some bearings in the suits. Pierre felt confident enough in the suit to try and take out his drone, which I approved for a quick flight and a picture. A crew member mentioned that they were beginning to feel some back pain, and we therefore decided to call it for the walk and drive back to MDRS, which went well too. We were pleased to see that the batteries for both rovers stayed very high, as they had depleted fairly quickly on training day.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518800 4250700
Participants: Clément Plagne, François Vinet, Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Opportunity, foot.
Mission Support Crew 226 Daily Photos 17-01-2022 SOL 1 correction
It looks like there aren’t any protocols in the Handbook regarding photos. Do I just forward them like this? Please advise. Thank you.
HSO Report – December 26th
category operations-report]
GreenHab Officer – December 24TH
[category: GreenHab-Report]
Crew 236 GreenHab Report 12242021
GreenHab Officer: Vladimir Zeltsman
Environmental Control: Around 17% Humidity
Average Temperatures: 70 degrees
Hours of Supplemental Light: 7 hours
Daily Water Usage For Crops: 9.5 gallons
Daily Water Usage For Research and/or Other Purposes: None
Water In Blue Tank: 203.5 Gallons
Times of watering for crops: 11:30 am
Changes to Crops: None
Narrative: None
Harvest: 2g Basil, 37g Tomato, 1g Green Onion
Support/supplies needed: None
GreenHab Officer – December 24TH
Sorry to reply so late, we’ve been fixing a watery situation at the outpost.
I think you might have the wrong email to send the reports. Gimme a second
On Fri, Dec 24, 2021, 19:23 MJ Marggraff <> wrote:
[category: GreenHab-Report]
Crew 236 GreenHab Report 12242021
GreenHab Officer: Vladimir Zeltsman
Environmental Control: Around 17% Humidity
Average Temperatures: 70 degrees
Hours of Supplemental Light: 7 hours
Daily Water Usage For Crops: 9.5 gallons
Daily Water Usage For Research and/or Other Purposes: None
Water In Blue Tank: 203.5 Gallons
Times of watering for crops: 11:30 am
Changes to Crops: None
Narrative: None
Harvest: 2g Basil, 37g Tomato, 1g Green Onion
Support/supplies needed: None
GreenHab Officer – December 24TH
[category: GreenHab-Report]
Crew 236 GreenHab Report 12242021
GreenHab Officer: Vladimir Zeltsman
Environmental Control: Around 17% Humidity
Average Temperatures: 70 degrees
Hours of Supplemental Light: 7 hours
Daily Water Usage For Crops: 9.5 gallons
Daily Water Usage For Research and/or Other Purposes: None
Water In Blue Tank: 203.5 Gallons
Times of watering for crops: 11:30 am
Changes to Crops: None
Narrative: None
Harvest: 2g Basil, 37g Tomato, 1g Green Onion
Support/supplies needed: None
MDRS Operations Report for 4-7NOV2021
Crew 260 Sol Summary for November 2nd
[category Sol Summary – report}
Crew 260 Sol Summary Report 02-11-2021
Sol: 1
Summary Title: I got a rock!
Author’s name: Jen Carver-Hunter
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our morning started with a lesson about Mars’ geologic periods and analogous processes that occurred at MDRS, forming the specimens we decided to collect on EVAs. Both EVA teams successfully completed their missions. After successful EVAs, crew members identified and labeled their samples, which they added to their “Mars rocks” kits.
Look Ahead Plan: Finish sample collection (EVA 3), sample categorization and analysis, rocket construction
Anomalies in work: No anomalies
Weather: Sunny, warm, and pleasant
Crew Physical Status: One crew member fell down a few stairs during the night and injured their knee. Injury was not serious enough to need professional medical attention, but has limited crewmember’s ability to participate in EVAs. The rest of the crew has made modifications to support all crew members while maintaining sim.
EVA: Geologic sample collection on the road to Barranca Butte and Kissing Camel Ridge.
Reports to be filed: Operations report, Journalist report, EVA request
Support Requested: None at this time.
HSO Pre-Mission Checklist – September 26th
HSO Pre-Mission Checklist
Jin Sing Sia, HSO
Submitted by: Jin Sia
Crew: 228
Date: 2021/09/26
Smoke alarms:
– Upper deck: Functional
– Lower deck: Functional
– RAM: None found, please advise on location
– GreenHab: Functional
– ScienceDome: Functional
CO alarms:
– Upper deck: Functional
– Lower deck: Beeping very soft, recommend battery replacement
– GreenHab: Functional
Fire extinguishers:
– Upper deck: Charged
– Kitchen: Charged
– Lower deck: 1 charged, 1 empty
– GreenHab: None found, recommend transferring one from ScienceDome
– ScienceDome: 2 charged
– RAM: Charged
Fire blankets:
– Kitchen: Ready
– RAM: Ready
– ScienceDome: Ready
First aid kits:
– Lower deck: Inventoried, items missing
– EVA room: Inventoried, minor issues found
– ScienceDome: Inventoried
– GreenHab: None found
– RAM: Inventoried
Jumper cables:
– EVA room: No longer there
– HabCar: Did not get chance to check
– CrewCar: Did not get chance to check
Emergency exits:
– Round window: All levers can be actuated
– Stairs: No non-nominal issues
– Commander’s room window: Unobstructed but no breaking tool
available; please advise if tool is required
– Emergency ladder: Transferred to correct compartment under sofa
HabCOMM radios on and working: Checked by work party crew
Noted safety issues:
– Toiletries cubbies: Contaminated with rat poison, toxicity hazard.
Strongly recommend thorough cleaning removal of poison block before
– Engineering airlock: External door does not seem to close properly,
please advise
– Hab ladder: Falling hazard. Recommend minimum three-point contact at
all times, descend backwards only. Crew members should give way to
those descending. Only one crew member on ladder at all times.
– Fire extinguishers: Placement in ScienceDome and RAM are
non-obvious. Recommend moving to more conspicuous locations and
conducting safety tour to familiarize crew with locations once in-sim.
Noted health/environmental issues:
– General crew fatigue noted. Concur with command decision to start
sim later in day on Sep 27.
Missing health and safety supplies:
– EVA first aid kit in hab lower deck: Loose gloves unsealed and
dirty, throat lozenges unsealed and dirty, large syringe unsealed and
dirty. Recommend discard.
– Diabetic kit in hab lower deck: Blood glucose tester has low
battery. Recommend battery replacement, but for later crews.
– First aid kit in Hab lower deck: Missing tape, ointment for burns
(only antiseptic available), ice pack, aspirin. Recommend replacement.
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