SOL 21: Save Didier!
06:30: PM This morning, the entire crew woke up a bit earlier than planned. Indeed, in Utah, we changed time! After an intense sports session organized by Célyan, the crew calmly has breakfast, and as everyone is about to start cleaning the station, we hear alerting cries: Quentin warns us that someone has taken Didier, our mascot! In fact, Célyan and he have organized an escape game throughout the station! After solving numerous puzzles and freeing Didier, we returned to our chores.
The second half of the day remained rather calm. We just had to continue with weekly and daily experiments, even if our schedule is more flexible. However, we still need to answer more questionnaires than usual. Some of us also have cognitive tests throughout the day, like Erin this morning, and reports or daily tasks to complete. If Meddi didn’t water the plants in the GreenHab, all our reserve of herbs would perish, Célyan still has to prepare our sports session for tomorrow, Robin is writing a report confirming that the station is operational, Somaya manages our retrospectives and I personally have to write today’s report and process all the crew’s photos. This weekend is also special because it precedes the last week we spend in the station, i.e., the one where we must uninstall many operational devices and complete ongoing experiments. We discussed at length how we should arrange the week and whether or not to continue certain experiments next week. Bad news: we will not benefit from the AMI experience during the mission, but we still have the last quarter of the mission to complete as many experiments beautifully.