EVA #: 15
Author: Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist, EVA Leader)
Atmospheric instrument batteries change and collection of data, then Kissing Camel Ridge West exploration thanks to notes from a 3D map.
Start time: 09:30 AM
End time: 01:18 PM
Narrative: The crew drove to Marble Rituals and changed batteries of our atmospheric instruments, then at 10:18 PM we drove to Kissing Camel Ridge West, and explored the area until 01:08 PM.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W
Coordinates 518000 E, 4249500 N
EVA Participants: Meddi Moumouni (GreenHAB officer), Erin Pougheon (Commander), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist and EVA leader)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hwy 1575
Mode of travel: Driving to the atmospheric instruments, then driving to Kissing Camel Ridge W, walking in the area. Coming back to the station using the rovers.
Vehicles used: Spirit and Opportunity
Spirit: Start 83%, 268,3h/ End 67%, 268.6h
Opportunity: Start 100%, 207.9h/ End 73%, 208.1h