Greenhab Report – February 20th

Jérémy Auclair

20 February 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open

Fan during 30 minutes

Shade cloth on

Average temperatures: I received the thermometers only tonight, I will use it tomorrow. Nevertheless I estimated the temperature around 1pm , about 30 °C.

Hours of supplemental light: from 6pm to 11pm

Changes to crops: Three cherry tomatoes harvested

Daily water usage for crops: 13 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 12:30pm and 6:45pm

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: I think I will have some work of reorganization of the plants. After all my experiments set I will do that.

Support/supplies needed: Wooden sticks to support different plants

Greenhab Report – February 19th

Here is the GreenHab Report


19 feb 2018

Environmental control:

(high winds today, door left closed, no heating)


Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Both thermometers are out of service

The temperature didn’t go above 25°C, the sky stayed pretty cloudy

Hours of supplemental light: from 8pm to 11pm

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: around 15 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:30am and 6pm

Narrative: I started to do an excel inventory of the plants in the GreenHab, there is a lot of different crops (with a majority of tomatoes and lettuce), a few plants might give some harvest before the end of our rotation.

Support/supplies needed: one thermometer with humidity measure

GreenHab Report – February 18th

GreenHab Report


18 feb 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with fan (high winds today)


Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Both thermometers are out of service

I estimated the temperature at 35°C around mid-day

Hours of supplemental light: from 8pm to 11pm

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: around 15 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 11am and 6pm


Functionality: The GreenHab heaters are working fine. Both thermometers are out of service, but around mid-day I estimated the temperature at approximately 35 °C, I turned on the fan for half an hour to keep the GreenHab cool. Because of high wind I left the door closed. Humidity was low in the morning (11am – 21 %) and rose up to 28 % during the day. I watered the existing seedlings twice (11am and 6pm) today and they are growing well.

Status: The existing seedlings in the green Hab are continuing to grow. There are a lot of tomato plants around the Hab, and some spinach, lettuce, beans, carrots and onion growing in the small pots. There are some other plants like a variety of spices and a few cucumbers. In the large rectangular pots there are a lot of salads (romaine mainly). I barely got familiar with the GreenHab today.

Planned activity: I will try to do the inventory stock of the greenhab tomorrow if I have time. I will look at the different seeds there are to choose some to plant them.

Support/supplies needed: one or two thermometers

Greenhab Report – February 9th

Crew 188 Sol 12 Green Hab Report 09FEB2018

Julia DeMarines


Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 13:00 – 15:00, 19:00 – 20:00

Outside temp at working hour: 11ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 14ºC,

Inside temp H: 32ºC,

Inside temp L: 14ºC,

Inside humidity: 35 %

Inside humidity H: 45%

Inside humidity L: 14%

Hours of supplemental light: 06:00 – 09:59

Changes to the crops: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons midday; 10 gallons evening

Time(s) of watering plants: 13:00 – 15:00 (2 gallons), 19:00 – 20:00 (10 gallons)

Changes to research plants: N/A

Narrative: The plants are looking good! We have harvested a lot of dill, leafy greens, and herbs today.

Future needs and questions: We need tomato cages before repotting as to not disturb them any more than necessary.

Summary of NASA VEGGIE OASYS: Renee monitored her experiment with one seed germinating.

Greenhab Report – February 7th

Crew 188 Sol 10 Green Hab Report 07FEB2018

Julia DeMarines


Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 13:00 – 15:00, 19:00 – 20:00

Outside temp at working hour: 7ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 18ºC,

Inside temp H: 31ºC,

Inside temp L: 15ºC,

Inside humidity: 47 %

Inside humidity H: 47%

Inside humidity L: 16%

Hours of supplemental light: 06:00 – 09:59

Changes to the crops: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons midday; 10 gallons evening

Time(s) of watering plants: 13:00 – 15:00 (2 gallons), 19:00 – 20:00 (10 gallons)

Changes to research plants: N/A

Narrative: Today was a typical day of watering. Zac and I noticed a strange smell in the southwest corner. One thought we had was that a plant had died and started to mold but it’s very speculative. We will continue to monitor. Our devastatingly handsome commander recorded hours of podcasts and outreach videos in the Green Hab, most likely invigorating the plants with his succulent voice, pun intended.

Future needs and questions: We need tomato cages before repotting as to not disturb them any more than necessary.

Summary of NASA VEGGIE OASYS: Renee monitored her experiment and took photos for the PI. Her seeds are starting to germinate.


Greenhab Report – Frebruary 6th

Crew 188 Sol 9 Green Hab Report 06FEB2018

Zac Trolley (Engineer), Guest writing for Julia De Marines (Crew Astronomer/GreenHab Officer)

06 February 2018

Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 11:00 – 11:30, 18:00 – 19:00

Outside temp at working hour: 15ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 26ºC

Inside temp H: 33ºC

Inside temp L: 14ºC

Inside humidity: 23 %

Inside humidity H: 81%

Inside humidity L: 19%

Hours of supplemental light: 05:00 – 9:59

Changes to the crops: We picked many beans, herbs, and green leaves to dine upon.

Daily water usage for crops: 48 litres

Time(s) of watering plants: 11:00 – 11:30 (16 litres), 18:00 – 19:00 (32 litres)

Changes to research plants: The VEGGIE OASYS is progressing.

Narrative: Tat, our intrepid health and safety officer bravely foraged among the forest of plants being nurtured by our crew to bring home a bounty of green beans. Sadly, Sarah Jane has been unable to bridge the plant-human communication barrier.

​Future needs and questions: We are awaiting the arrival of the tomato cages so we can replant the tall plants that require support to grow to their full potential. Please advise when they will arrive. ​

Greenhab Report – February 5th

Crew 188 Sol 7 Green Hab Report 05FEB2018

Zac Trolley (Engineer), Guest writing for Julia De Marines (Crew Astronomer/GreenHab Officer)

05 February 2018

Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 11:00 – 11:30, 18:00 – 19:00

Outside temp at working hour: 17ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 25ºC

Inside temp H: 35ºC

Inside temp L: 14ºC

Inside humidity: 27 %

Inside humidity H: 79%

Inside humidity L: 18%

Hours of supplemental light: 05:00 – 9:59

Changes to the crops: The plants are following a predictable pattern of requiring sun and water, and producing green leaves. As the plants increase in size, we have been harvesting various parts of them to eat in our kitchen. On this 8th Sol, we dined on lettuce leaves and tasty herbs.

Daily water usage for crops: 48 litres

Time(s) of watering plants: 11:00 – 11:30 (16 litres), 18:00 – 19:00 (32 litres)

Changes to research plants: During an intensive research investigation it was discovered that one of the pillows in the VEGGIE OASYS experiment isn’t as wet as is desired. Further investigation is required in order to find the route cause of this discrepancy. The Executive Officer is working with the NASA PI in order to properly moisten the pillow.

Narrative: In order to better understand the needs and desires of the plants under our care, we have been closely monitoring their progress. We have been exploring alternative methods to increase plant yield, and have decided to ask the plants what they require to be at their maximum efficiency. To facilitate this, Zac Trolley and Sarah Jane Pell have undertaken an experimental procedure to breach the communication gap with the plants and create a dialogue with them directly. So far, our results are not promising.

Future needs and questions: We are awaiting the arrival of the tomato cages so we can replant the tall plants that require support to grow to their full potential. Please advise when they will arrive.

Greenhab Report – February 4nd

Crew 188 Sol 7 Green Hab Report 04FEB2018

Sarah Jane Pell (Artist in Residence), Guest writing for Julia De Marines (Crew Astronomer/GreenHab Officer)

04 February 2018

Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 11:00 – 11:30, 18:00 – 19:00

Outside temp at working hour: 16ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 25ºC

Inside temp H: 32ºC

Inside temp L: 14ºC

Inside humidity: 37 %

Inside humidity H: 82%

Inside humidity L: 19%

Hours of supplemental light: 06:00 – 9:59

Changes to the crops: A crop of lettuce and herbs was taken for lunch. [We made a healing elixir
and tincture in oil to heal our ravenous hunger and aching bodies.]

Daily water usage for crops: 48 litres

Time(s) of watering plants: 11:00 – 11:30 (16 litres), 18:00 – 19:00 (32 litres)

Changes to research plants: Still monitoring the quinoa for sprouting.

Narrative: Zac Trolley, Engineer dressed in his flight suit to tend to the crops, while I filmed the entire GreenHab scene in 360 6K full 3D. I am now working on audio samples from the plants, to prepare an accompanying score for the first in our suite of immersive VR experiences.

Future needs and questions: We are awaiting the arrival of the tomato cages so we can replant the tall plants that require support to grow to their full potential. Please advise when they will arrive.

Dr. Sarah Jane Pell

TED Fellow 2010, Australia Council Fellow 2016, Gifted Citizen 2016

The ‘Performing Astronautics: following the Body’s Natural Edge into the Abyss of Space’ project is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body

Artist, Occupational Diver, Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Simulation Astronaut

Greenhab Report – February 3rd

Prepared by: Julia DeMarines

Environmental control: Heating
Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 13:00 – 15:00, 19:00 – 20:00
Outside temp at working hour: -1ºC
Inside temp at working hour: 15ºC,
Inside temp H: 31ºC,
Inside temp L: 15ºC,
Inside humidity: 47 %
Inside humidity H: 47%
Inside humidity L: 16%

Hours of supplemental light: 06:00 – 09:59

Changes to the crops: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons midday; 10 gallons evening

Time(s) of watering plants: 13:00 – 15:00 (2 gallons), 19:00 – 20:00 (10 gallons)

Changes to research plants: N/A

Narrative: Both Julia and Zac were on EVA’s today at separate times and both spent time watering the plants, staggered. Upon persistent trials and errors, we have both noticed that the wilted plants are most likely due to requiring a midday watering, being dry from having the door open, and being in the southwestern-most corner (and getting very hot).

We will keep monitoring and testing out better methods to keep the temperature not too hot and not too cold. Today was a very windy day.

Future needs and questions: We need tomato cages before repotting as to not disturb them any more than necessary.

Summary of NASA VEGGIE OASYS: Renee added water to the wicks and the reservoir and took photos of germinating seeds for the PI.


Greenhab Report – February 2nd

Crew 188 Sol 5 Green Hab Report 02February2018

Zac Trolley, Crew Engineer, Guest writing for Julia De Marines (Crew Astronomer/GreenHab Officer)

02 February 2018

Environmental control: Heating

Ambient with door opening: Shade cloth on

Working hours in Green Hab: 09:00-09:30, 11:00 – 14:00, 18:00 – 19:00

Outside temp at working hour: 11ºC

Inside temp at working hour: 26ºC

Inside temp H: 34ºC

Inside temp L: 18ºC

Inside humidity: 35 %

Inside humidity H: 85%

Inside humidity L: 14%

Hours of supplemental light: 06:00 – 9:59

Changes to the crops: A row of lettuce was replanted from the small pot containers to a window style planter. A salad crop was taken for lunch.

Daily water usage for crops: 12 gallons

Time(s) of watering plants: 11:00 – 14:00 (2 gallons), 18:00 – 19:00 (10 gallons)

Changes to research plants: After an email from Atila, we will be monitoring the quinoa for sprouting.

Narrative: Renee was actively operating in the GreenHab monitoring her experiment. The NASA hardware that we have here at MDRS is a variation of flight hardware that has been on the ISS. I am continually in awe that I am taking part in research that has a direct impact on the future of spaceflight.

The Crew did a little re-potting of lettuce in the hopes that they will grow during our stay so that we can enjoy eating it. If not, future crews will enjoy the fruits of our labor, as we are enjoying the plants that other crews have planted for us.

Future needs and questions: We are awaiting the arrival of the tomato cages so we can replant the tall plants that require support to grow to their full potential. Please advise when they will arrive.

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