GreenHab Report – January 1st

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 1-1-2024 (Sol 9)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:55 am (69.8 °F)
Relative Humidity – 14 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 10:15 am (69.4°F)
Relative Humidity – 43%
Used 3 ½ gallon & 14 oz to water all the plants (includes misting amount)
Avg Temp – 4:30 pm (70 °F)
Relative Humidity – 13%
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 4:45 pm (68°F)
Relative Humidity – 43%
Used 2.1 gallons & 16 oz to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 9 – 5.93 gallons
(includes 28 oz of sprayed mist at 10:30 pm on 12/31)
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 163.42 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 9 – 10:15 am & 4:45 pm
Changes to Crops: planted some onion seeds and added fertilizer to the spinach and mint plants – hopefully they can start sprouting soon. Changed compost and extra soil pots to keep things organized.
Sol 9:
Today was a little warmer than the day before so I watered all the plants before our 12pm EVA. The humidity was low as usual, but the misting makes it warm and moist. The cucumber plants are doing better with the elevated stakes since they are getting more sunlight. I also checked on Eshaan’s mini solar farm and there are more baby kale sprouts! I’m glad to see her setup working!
I am little worried about the spinach and mint that I planted a few days ago. I added some organic fertilizer to both of those plants to give it more nutrients. The cling wrap is also still on there since the pots are closer to the edge near the higher sunlight concentration. I was able to properly harvest the kale and lettuce for our dinner plans that we have. I still have no idea what we are making lolz. The inventory list is almost done and I will put that in the greenhab soon.
Sol 9 Harvest:
Lettuce: 13 grams
Kale: 53 grams
Support/supplies needed: More potting soil please? Maybe like a tiny bag, doesn’t have to be too big!

GreenHab Report – December 31st

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 11:20 am (86 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10 %
Avg Temp – 1:35 pm (93.9°F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Turned on the fan for 20 minutes to cool plants
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 2:30 pm (73.1°F)
Relative Humidity – 42%
Used 2 gallons to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 7 – 5.5 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 169.35 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 7 – 2:30 pm
Changes to Crops: added extra stakes for the cucumber plants since they are wildly growing!
Sol 7:
I took off the cling wrap from the carrot plants since they were growing fungus – but this is a good sign! The moisture retained! The stems of the plant got stronger, and I am hoping that the roots are now properly established. I left two more wraps on it to keep the water dripping in the soil. The cucumber plants are also becoming stronger and stronger everyday, so I tied more water to hold the taller vines. Today was also weirdly hot so I turned on the large fan to cool the plants down and make them stand up again! Eshaana also checked on her mini solar farm and now there are about 10 tiny little kales, and the C4 Bermuda grass has broken through the top layer of the soil. So many cute baby plants!
Sol 7 Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – January 4th

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 4-1-2024 (Sol 11)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:40 am (68.2 °F)
Relative Humidity – 23 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 9:47 am (68.7 °F)
Relative Humidity – 91%
Used 2 gallons and 18 oz to water all the plants
Humidity was higher, so I used less water since it was snowy today!!
Avg Temp – 4:30 pm (74.8°F)
Relative Humidity – 41 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 5:15 pm (69.8°F)
Relative Humidity – 65%
Used 3 gallons and 26 oz to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 11 – 5.4 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 146.62 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 11 – 9:47 am & 5:15 pm
Changes to Crops: Rearranged and cleaned greenhab, added inventory list, arranged the tomato cages
Sol 11:
I woke up today with the outside landscape covered with a floofy blanket of snow!Since our EVA was canceled today, we had the whole day to work on our research! I started working on my air quality sensor and it should be almost done! I went to the I wanted to check on the tomatoes and there are now 22 tomatoes! There are a bunch of baby ones that have been slowly growing and they look so cute! Adriana made some awesome pasta salad again for lunch and we used most of the kale, lettuce, and basil!
After lunch, I went back to the greenhab to work on cleaning up! I taped the inventory list on the large tank to help keep track when planting! I also worked on organizing the plants and tools! I used the empty white baskets to arrange the gloves and spades. The tomato plants were growing their leaves really fast, and I wanted to space them out. I put the smaller plants in the front near the wall for extra sun and I put the plants with the most tomatoes in between to keep the moisture proper. I arranged it as 4×3 to keep the spacing even. I also put the broccoli and radish plants in the front with the mint! OH! I saw one tiny little mint leaf growing so I am hopeful! I put the cling wrap on it again and poked in more holes! Eshaana is also making some yummy curry and rice again, so I grabbed some cilantro leaves for her!
Sol 11 Harvest:
Cilantro: 9 grams
Kale: 34 grams
Basil: 4 grams
Lettuce: 12 grams
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 30st

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:39 am (68 °F)
Relative Humidity – 13 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 9:43 am (66.2°F)
Relative Humidity – 66%
Used 3 gallon to water all the plants (includes misting amount)
Avg Temp – 4:12 pm (70.3°F)
Relative Humidity – 14%
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 4:21 pm (68°F)
Relative Humidity – 55%
Used 2.8 gallons to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 6 – 5.9 gallons
(includes 32 oz of sprayed mist at 10pm on 12/29)
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 174.85 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 6 – 9:43 am & 4:21 pm
Changes to Crops: added large stakes to cucumber plants in the corner. Planted some new mint seeds and replanted the spinach seeds!
Sol 6:
The cling wrap works like a charm lolz. This is a great way to work around the dry humidity in the greenhab. The old leaves of the carrot plants are dying out while being replaced with new baby leaves and stems! The wrap on Eshaana’s plants are also working greatly because she also has a third sprout now! I moved over the wooden pallet to allow maximum sunlight on her teeny pots! My hydroponics experiemnet is also starting to have 10-15 more cracked seedlings and sprouts!!
I added some of the large stakes to help the cucumber plants in the giant blue tank pot stand up and eat some sunlight! The leaves were just growing on top of each other without any light shining on them. Now they are happy and tall! I then looked into the veggies and herbs that are already planted and I planted some mint! There is very little mint in the other pot so I used the rest of the seeds! Tomorrow, I will be planting something new as well…onions!!! I would like to see some more color in the greenhouse, so planting some flowers might be something to do in the future! Flowers are super pretty! ^-^ I will make an inventory or list of all the plants that have already been planted in the greenhab to prevent planting multiple veggies.
Sol 6 Harvest:
Basil: 1 gram (was a lot of leaves, I promise)
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 29th

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 29-12-2023 (Sol 5)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:37 am (68.1°F)
Relative Humidity – 10 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 9:40 am (63°F)
Relative Humidity – 76%
Used 4.2 gallon to water all the plants (includes misting amount)
Avg Temp – 2:44 pm (87.6°F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 3:25 pm (82.4°F)
Relative Humidity – 25%
Used 1.1 gallon to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 5 – 5.3 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 180.75 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 5 – 9:40 am & 3:25 pm
Changes to Crops: Added cling wrap to the new spinach plant, carrot pot, and Eshaana’s mini farm!
Sol 5:
Today was an interesting day lolz, especially with the EVA! I went into the greenhab a little earlier to quickly water the plants to get them ready for the higher temperatures later in the day. Eshaana tended to her cute little solar farm by adding cling wrap to the pot to retain moisture! Since she is growing kale and C4 grass, the soil moisture is a big deal! I then went to the Science Dome to take some water over for my hydroponics setup (2 Liters in each module). I already see some kale seeds cracking into baby leaves!! I did test the pH and water temps of the hydroponics modules as well (reported in my research paper).
After our LiDAR scanning EVA, I came back to the greenhab to add some cling wrap on the carrot plants. I noticed that the carrots are the only plants that are quickly losing water. Condensation should definitely help! I actually started sweating in the greenhouse which was new lolz! There is also some new baby lettuce leaves! Adriana made some potato gratin and a yummy sour cream/dill sauce to go with it! She also made some amazing enchiladasfor dinner and she used the cilantro that was harvested! Today was super fun!!
Sol 4 Harvest:
Dill: 4 grams
Cilantro: 8 grams
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 28th

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 28-12-2023 (Sol 4)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 10:13 am ( 71.4°F)
Relative Humidity – 13 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 10:14 am (68°F)
Relative Humidity – 56%
Used 3.1 gallon to water all the plants (used more earlier in the day to help with heat)
Avg Temp – 3:30 pm (83°F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Used a spray bottle to keep the air moist during the heat
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 3:45 pm (75°F)
Relative Humidity – 52%
Used 3.1 gallon to water all the plants (used more earlier in the day to help with heat)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 4 – 5.1 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 186.05 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 4 – 10:14 am & 3:45pm
Changes to Crops: Tied a few more cucumber plants and composted more things!
Sol 3:
I started off today as usual by heading to the GreenHab while on the way to do my work in the Science Dome. We made relatively easy dishes today, so I did not harvest anything. We made parmesan broccoli with the pizzas so I used the leftover dehydrated broccoli (powdery) to put in the soil along with more orange peels and coffee grounds. I have been keeping up with the humidity by using the mister spray bottle. I will continue to mist occasionally throughout the day, depending on EVAs too. I also took pH level readings of most of the plants just to check if everything is healthy!
      Soil pH Levels:
      Static Water Tank (8.45)
      Carrots (7.71)
      Cucumbers (7.5)
      Tomatoes (6.63)
      For Eshaana’s plants, we are thinking of using plastic food wrap to help with the condensation. This can help with water conservation too! I can try to use this for the tomato plants as well. I also noticed that the kale, lettuce, and arugula that I harvested a few days ago, are now growing more baby plants! The radish also doesn’t seem too sad and the stems seem to be stronger. With the carrots, I will have to keep checking on it since the leaves look depressed lolz…
Sol 3 Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 27th

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:42am (78.3 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 9:50am (83.2 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Used 1.1 gallon to water all the plants (did this to keep watering full day)
Avg Temp – 3:45pm (76.8 °F)
Relative Humidity – 36%
Used a spray bottle to keep the air moist during the heat
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 3 – 2.3 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 191.15 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 3 – 9:50pm & 3:45pm
Changes to Crops: Adriana helped me find a spray to keep the humidity levels high enough. I watered earlier in the day to work with the heat in the afternoon. I made sure to keep the carrot plants moist.
Sol 3:
This morning temperature was quite crispywhen I went over to the greenhouse. I was mainly concerned about the clay pots filled with water that I put all over the greenhouse, but the heater allowed all of it to evaporate! So that is great! The humidity percentage was 52% yesterday. The only thing I was confused about was why some of moisture did not retain. Adriana did find a spray bottle so that I can mist the greenhouse! The humidity was constant at 27% for a few minutes. Adriana and Eshaana helped me find some gaps that are along the structural beams of the greenhouse. These gaps might be causing the water to dry away throughout the day. Hoping we can fix that! I also harvested about 7 grams of basil and they looked so cute!!! I am also starting some pH tests to check the soil content so I will note that today.
Eshaana also has her awesome mini solar farm in the greenhab to test kale and C4 bermuda grass growth under no shade, partial shade, and full shade solar conditions! She will be tracking the time period of growth based on each test case of the solar shade. She is alo taking temperature, IV tracer, and solar irradiation! Can’t wait to see the results!!
Sol 3 Harvest:
Basil: 7 grams
Support/supplies needed: Do you know how long the heater stays in the greenhouse? Also, I noticed that the greenhouse structure has several gaps and maybe this is why the moisture does not retain. Is there any way we can repair the outside of the greenhouse to seal all holes/gaps with something?

GreenHab Report – December 26th

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 26-12-2023 (Sol 2)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 2:45pm (89.7 °F)
Relative Humidity – 12%
**After Watering and Turning Fan ON:
Fan Duration: 4:07 minutes
Avg Temp – 3:08pm (80.4 °F)
Relative Humidity – 52% (This is good range)
Avg Temp: 6:22pm (65.3 °F)
Relative Humidity – 15%
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 2 – 2.4 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 193.45 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 2 – 3:08pm
Changes to Crops: Tied metal wires to the stakes of the cucumber plants so that they don’t keep falling and droop over. I made the knot snug (not to tight)! I made a composting pot with the orange peels and dead leaves.
Sol 2: Today’s weather was a little better than yesterday. The main thing that concerns me is the dry atmosphere there. I will start doing pH level tests for the larger plants and carrots. After replanting the carrot plants yesterday, they look a little sad, but I’m guessing the low humidity level is playing a big part into it. I have been saving the produce scraps from out food (like oranges) to use as compost for the soil. We can get more natural fertilizer, less waste, and provide raw nutrients for the soil like this. After creating the compost mixture, I moistened it and left it on the rack. I also used an extra 3 liters of water to place it in clay pans all over the greenhouse. Hopefully with this, the water can slowly evaporate with the heater on and increase humidity levels. I went through the cabinets and tried to search for a spray bottle. Couldn’t find one in the science dome either. I found a pesticide spray that could work instead but there is no rod for it. I want to use the spray to mist the water in the greenhouse and moisten the air before the afternoon heat hits here.
For harvesting, there were a lot of leaves overcrowding. I took large bunches of the kale, lettuce, and arugula. The crew used these to make a mango/almond salad along with the Thai Curry and rice we had for dinner.
Sol 2 Harvest:
Kale: 56 grams
Arugula: 30 grams
Lettuce: 22 grams
Support/supplies needed: Do you know if the large, black rod for the pesticide spray is somewhere? Not spray pesticide, just water.

GreenHab Report – December 25th

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Sol 0:
Avg Temp – 12:16pm (92.8 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Avg Temp: 10:03pm (71.6 °F)
Relative Humidity – 13%
Sol 1:
Avg Temp – 2:38pm (89.2 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Avg Temp: 7:45pm (69.6 °F)
Relative Humidity – 14%
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops:
Sol 0 – 2.05 gallons
Sol 1 – 2.1 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: (200 gallon capacity): 195.85 gallons
Times of watering for crops:
Sol 0 – 2pm
Sol 1 – 3:40 pm
Changes to crops: Fixed cucumber plants, replanted the brocolli/radish plants in bigger pots. Also harvested lettuce, basil, arugula, cilantro, and parsley!
Sol 0: Went in the greenhouse at about 3pm and watered all plants using a total of 1 gallon and 4 liters. I was able to aerate the soils of the tomato plants. The greenhouse was VERY warm with a temperature at 93 degrees Fahrenheit and there was only 10% humidity! Optimal humidity should be close to 40%-60% for temperate plants that are growing vegetables. After watering, I turned on the fan for 15 minutes to reduce the temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I was able to put sticks in the cucumber plants to help them stand up and grow better with the space. The humidity level also increased to 13%. For today, the only plants we harvested was the basil and lettuce. We used the basil for the quick Jambalaya we made for lunch while the rest of the crew was out fixing the car rentals and we used lettuce (18 grams) for the black bean burgers at dinner. After dinner, I was able to go back into the greenhouse at 10pm and check on the rest of the plants once again. The temperature was 71 degrees Fahrenheit with 10% humidity.
Sol 1: I went to the greenhouse today at 2:38pm and noted a temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit at 10% humidity. After watering with about 2.1 gallons of water, the humidity levels went up to 17%. I used up most of the time replanting the radish and broccoli plants. Especially for the broccoli and radish, the pots were becoming small for the roots, so I put them in a bigger pot to aerate the soil and make it comfy! At about 3:40pm, I harvested about 95 grams of kale for the pasta salad that we made for lunch! After lunch, I noticed that there was no spinach planted in the greenhouse, so I used the seeds I brought to set up a new pot! I put about 2-3 seeds in the 8 holes that I made. After that, I rearranged and properly fertilized the carrot plants with the MiracleGro Plant Food (1½ tablespoon) and a sprinkle of Jobes Organic Fast Start Fertilizer.
Sol 0:
Lettuce: 18 grams
Sol 1:
Kale: 95 grams
Parsley: 4 grams
Arugula: 12 grams
Support/supplies needed: Need humidifier in greenhouse??

GreenHab Report – December 22nd

GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average temperatures: 70 deg
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 4 gallons (mopping)
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __143__ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 12 pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Got the GreenHab in order today, cleaned it up and made sure all the plants were doing well. Everything is growing like crazy.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None

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