Crew Photos – April 4th

Hi CapCom,

here is our Photo Report with its description on sol11.

Miho XO crew191

SOL Essay (Photo Description)
04 Apr 2018

Sol 11
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

In EVA #12, Venzha did the third time recording for his CEMs project and it was the last. Every time he set the antenna in different shapes and got naturally various sounds from outer space. Every crew members are now looking forward to listening his results.
We also made an effort to solve the water problem as much as yesterday: clean up of the contaminated water tanks in RAM.
As a result: the white tank and the small tank in Hab car are now “clean” enough to bring us the safe water from the earth! However, it remains the case that we also have to clean the black and the loft tank (maybe tomorrow or after the end of our SIM?).

Crew Photos – April 03rd

SOL Essay (Photo description)
03 Apr 2018

Sol 10
Yusuke Murakami (Commander)

After the EVA #9 team had left the HAB, Yusuke and Makoto started an operational EVA with a brush, towels, cleaner, and water for washing. We had already put the contaminated white tank inside the RAM on SOL9. As you know “RAM” is an abbreviation of the “Repair and Assembly Module”, but it never used as a purpose. So, today is the Memorial Day of RAM! Yusuke and Makoto got down into the tank only with underwear and cleaned it. Sometime they need to put their head out of a narrow mouth of the tank for breathing as a seal. We couldn’t complete cleaning the tank during this EVA, but almost done. The operation never realized without RAM. Thanks RAM!!!
Related to the water problem, we also cleaned up the water pump. So we are in progress of preparing for the clean water to our HAB now.
In EVA #9, Venzha did recording for his project CMEs again, but in another place and setting in another way. As a result, he was able to get very different sound from last time.

Crew Photos – April 2nd

SOL Essay (Photo Description)
02 Apr 2018

Sol 09
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

This morning we have decided our EVA #9, because we have to solve the water pollution in the HAB. Since we found some white unknown material in the white tank yesterday, we can not use the water anymore, which already in the HAB water system.
The solution we took without breaking our SIM: request supply of clean water for two days, and clean up the tanks meanwhile.
So we checked and got some sample of water from the tanks and brought the empty but still contaminated white tank into the RAM today, so that we can clean it up during following EVA.

Crew Photos – April 1st

SOL Essay (photo description)
01 Apr 2018

Sol 08
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

For the outreach project of our commander Yusuke Murakami, we did photo-shooting on Mars during today’s EVA. The commander report, which also published on a Japanese newspaper today, tells “a day on Mars” as we all are actually there, because it’s April Fool. In the following pictures, the EVA team performed characters in the article: Leader Taro, journalist Emi and the geologist. So please see these pictures with today’s commander report!

Crew Photos – March 31st

SOL Essay (Photo Description)
31 Mar 2018

Sol 07
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

Today we had a day off! So nothing to describe, instead of that, we introduce our non-human crew: two robot-dog “Aibo”s and the automatic hydroponic machine “foop”.
Aibo, the lovely dogs ease the tense atmosphere in our closed life.
The machine foop is made for interior and we can see the process of plant’s growth.
They do NOT attend briefing, clean up the HAB and of course no EVA, but they are definitely part of our team and big support for us.

Crew Photos – March 30th

Hi CapCom,

this is our photo report with description on sol 6.


Miho XO crew191

SOL Essay (and description)

30 Mar 2018

Sol 06

Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

It’s already passed 6 days since we’ve arrived here, so we decided to clean inside the HAB this morning. After all of the room got clean, we also felt refreshed.

Today’s EVA, Venzha Christ did the first recording on Mars but in “The Moon”. The recording has been successfully done, but the rover Opportunity has overheated several times on the way. So that’s why the EVA team could not return on time, but it might be a good “opportunity“ to learn to keep schedule.

Daily Pictures – March 29th

SOL Essay (photo description)
29 Mar 2018

Sol 05

Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

For our Journalist’s project, today we had a film-shooting in EVA. The sight from the roof of the hill along the Galileo Road was so amazing, really MARS-like scenery. But after we climbed up to there, found the difficulty to breath wearing the space helmet. Also it was hard for our video photographer to tell direction via radio because he had to use both hands to hold his camera. However, the results ware great as you can see.

By the way, we have found a problem with the solar system in HAB this morning. This is one of our lifeline, so we keep monitoring tomorrow.

In this afternoon, Wataru Okamoto has started his own project with his majoring system: the instrument has been installed inside a tunnel at last.

Crew Photos – March 28th

SOL Essay (Photo Description)

28 Mar 2018

Sol 04

Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

This morning we had a half day off because some of us overslept and looked little bit tired. No wonder we have already spent a couple of days very busy and tense. However, we got fit again after the break!

For lunch we tried SPACE FOOD made in Russia, which is a kind Gift from Anastasya, who was a crew mate of our commander by Mars160. It was really tasty as we expected and also interesting experience eating food from a tube.

EVA #4 in this afternoon was also for collecting rubbish + GPS training as yesterday: we found so many tiny garbage or is it a sign of life?

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