Astronomy Report – February 26th

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/26/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-WF

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: M34, M43 and M51 will be imaged as part of the astrophotography project.

Images submitted with this report: You will find the final images of M45 and NGC 281 as attachments.

Problems Encountered: None


Solar Features Observed: Visual observation was done today with crewmates, but no interesting feature is to be reported.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: None

Astronomy Report – February 25

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/25/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-WF

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: The double cluster NGC 884/869 and
M45 join the observation queue. The 3 missing Halpha frames of NGC 281
from Sol 4 should also be imaged.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: None


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 24th

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/24/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Keeping on with the research project,
the following targets are added to the queue for the second round, in
addition to the pending observations: NGC 2683, NGC 3031, NGC 2655, NGC
3344, NGC 4449, NGC 4254, NGC 3338, NGC 2775, M100. This will provide me
with standard images that can be compared to the existing reference
images, in order to try detecting a supernova.

Images submitted with this report: None, but the first standard images
are being analysed using the Photoshop overlay function. No promising
finding is to be reported so far.

Problems Encountered: Frames of NGC 4618, NGC 3521, NGC 4725 and NGC
3675 had WCS registration errors which make them unusable for analysis.
New observations are however planned in the coming days.


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 23rd

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/23/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: As weather has improved, the active
observations should progress tonight.

Images submitted with this report: Taking advantage of bad weather, the
M101 was processed again, taking Peter’s tips into account. The bad
pixels are less visible now. Sorry I had only saved in PNG, not in JPEG!

Problems Encountered: None


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 22nd

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/22/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: All pending observations are now complete. Will continue working on the research project despite bad weather, with newly requested observations of NGC 4618, NGC 5047, NGC 4559, NGC 3521, NGC 4569, NGC 4725, NGC 3675, NGC 4579, NGC 4636.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: None


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 21st

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/21/2020

MDRS ROBOTIC OBSERVATORY Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Tonight will be dedicated to the research project. In addition to the already active observations, NGC2403 is joining the queue.

Images submitted with this report: Attached is the final picture of M42 imaged by the MDRS-WF last night, obtained after some time learning and tweaking on Photoshop. Hope I got it quite right on this first attempt!

Problems Encountered:
– Some frames from last night had white lines crossing the field, as shown in the attached image of M101 on the Red filter. In this case, there were 4 exposures on the Red filter with the same line at the same place, which makes me believe it was not a plane or a satellite flying over us.
– A minor issue on Photoshop: I could not find the Camera raw filter menu as indicated in the Color imaging quick guide, p.12. Is there a way of making it active?


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 20th

Crew 222 Astronomy Report 20Feb2020

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim

Crew: 222

Date: 2/20/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-WF

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: NGC 281, M42 and the Markarian’s chain are to be imaged as part of the astrophotography project.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: No calibration frames for M101 have been taken. Will follow Peter’s advice of using tonight’s calibration frames instead.


Solar Features Observed: The observatory was used today for a familiarization session in solar imaging. No significant phenomenon is to be reported.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: None

Astronomy Report – February 19th

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/19/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested: MDRS-WF (then MDRS-14 if approved)

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: M101 and M42 will be imaged as part
of the astrophotography project. In this regard, I’ve requested more
time on my Skynet account. If reverting back to the MDRS-14 is approved,
I will keep on with the still active observations from the previous sols.

Images submitted with this report: None

Problems Encountered: Imaging of M31 is to be abandoned for tonight, as
it won’t be visible long enough.


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 18th

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/18/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: In addition to the still active observations from yesterday (NGC 5248, NGC 4038), 7 new targets are to be imaged: NGC 1961, NGC 4490, NGC 4450, NGC 6503, NGC 3368, NGC 3115, NGC 598.

Images submitted with this report: The first Standard image of NGC 4254 is attached separately in today’s Photo report. It is to be compared to the Reference image taken prior to the mission.

Problems Encountered: None


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 17th

Crew 222 Astronomy Report Feb 17 2020

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/17/2020

Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: as many as possible among NGC 772, NGC 5248, IC 342, NGC 2775, NGC 4449, NGC 4254, NGC 4038, NGC 4125, NGC 3338, NGC 2683, M 100. This is part of the weekly observations of select galaxies as per the submitted research proposal on supernovae.

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A


Solar Features Observed: the observatory was first used today. Attempts have been made to visually observe solar features according to the quick guide, but no special phenomenon was to be noted. This should not be an issue of the telescope but most certainly due to the weak solar activity.

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

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