Photos 12-25-2022
Crew 271 Operations Report 25-DEC-2022
Crew 271 Operations Report 25-12-2022
SOL: 7
Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov
Non-nominal systems: Kitchen sink cabinet hinge
Notes on non-nominal systems: Right bottom hinge of the kitchen sink cabinet came off today. It is unknown when exactly it was damaged. We will try to fix it tomorrow.
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 205.1
Beginning charge: Not measured
Ending charge: Not measured
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 109.6
Beginning charge: Not measured
Ending charge: Not measured
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: 217.8
Beginning charge: Not measured
Ending charge: Not measured
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: Yes
Hours: 252.5
Beginning charge: Not measured
Ending charge: Not measured
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: None
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 29.41 gallons
Water (static tank): 350.68 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (On or off): On
Toilet tank emptied: Yes
Summary of internet: Nominal
Summary of suits and radios: N/A
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 7 gal
Heater: On
Supplemental light: plugged
Harvest: no harvest
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Not used.
Dual split: On
Summary of RAM operations: N/A.
Summary of any observatory issues: N/A
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: N/A
Crew 271 Journalist Report 25-DEC-2022
Crew 271 Sol 7 Journalist Report 25-12-2022
Sol: 7
Author’s name: Helen Eifert, Crew Geologist
Title: Gingerbread Hab
Mars-y Christmas from Crew 271! After four straight days of two EVAs a day, we had a mandated day of rest today. While we all got a little bit of work done indoors today, we spent most of the holiday celebrating together. We played games, finished more puzzles, enjoyed many sweet treats, and exchanged wrapped gifts left under the inflatable baby Yoda tree. Cesare wined and dined us (minus the wine) with breakfast crepes, baked ziti for dinner, and traditional Italian panettone for dessert. It was a restful day indeed.
The feat of the day came from our crew engineer, Sergii Iakymov. To celebrate the holidays, I brought a pre constructed gingerbread house for the crew to decorate. To our martian readers, Earth houses are typically cubical or rectangular, with distinct corners. These standards don’t exclude houses of the gingerbread variety. Sergii took on the task of deconstructing and then reconstructing the gingerbread house to properly represent our living quarters. It only took a few hours, but a gingerbread hab was erected on this day. I suspect it would not withstand the inhospitable space environment, but it’s quite likely any breaches were the result of hungry crew members and not engineering deficiencies.
The rest of the day remained relatively uneventful – always a good sign in space. We nearly had an unplanned launch of space tourists, but our on-the-ground mission support, Shannon, managed to scrub the launch before they made it out of lower Earth orbit. Although we dodged one bullet, we were informed we would have to fill out two psych surveys tonight for Kaosaar’s research project. We had been betrayed by his time estimates before, so we will likely be pulling out the scissors tonight. Sleep with one eye open, Andres, it won’t be Santa coming down the chimney tonight.
Supplemental Operations Report 25-DEC-2022
Supplemental Operations Report 25-DEC-2022
Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-nominal systems: Power system programing
Action taken for non-nominal systems: Nothing yet. I will go through and reprogram it in the next few days.
Generator: Running from about 8 pm to 8 am. The generator was repaired on Thursday. The problem was the governor, which had lost a small plastic cotter pin and as a result was unstable and the vibration of the engine was causing the surging. How crazy! We also needed the oil pressure changed as it was faulty and we had the bushings replaced because they would have needed it soon. The technician was great and spent a lot of time showing us what things were that would commonly need replaced and how to replace them. I am very grateful to not have to worry every night about losing power!
ScienceDome Dual Split: on at 65 degrees overnight (when I remember). I need to find the manual in order to program it but I don’t know where it is.
Solar— Nominal but router needs reprogrammed
Solar— SOC Last 24 hours:
Avg not showing the way it is currently operating
Propane Reading, station tank – 61 %
Propane Reading, director tank— 75 %
Propane Reading, intern tank— 72 %
Propane Reading, generator— 60 %
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – not checked gallons
Water in GreenHab – ~150 gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 350 gallons
Hab toilet tank emptied: See crew operations reports
Sojourner rover used: no
Hours: not noted
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 100
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: nothing to report
ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report
HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town
CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to town
Luna used and why, where? Yes, to town
General notes and comments: We have Christmas lights up outside for the first time at the station. They are a simple string across three rovers outside the RAM but they are quite festive and cheerful.
Summary of internet: Nominal.
Summary of suits and radios: See crew operations reports.
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report
Summary of general operations: Nothing to report
Summary of Hab operations: I was unable to completely unclog the toilet but over several fills and flushes with hot water and lots of dish soap, I made enough progress for us to get through the next two crews and then January, during the time we have no crew, we will replace the toilet tank with a new one and plumb in a cleanout value.
Summary of Outpost operations: The deck with the clothesline has been cleaned off in anticipation of required repairs. We need to replace the surface material and reinstall the clothesline. General outside cleanup.
Summary of GreenHab operations: Supplemental light 10-2 pm. The beans produced and were so good we planted more beans. Beans, peas and tomatoes are all flowering.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: We repaired the leak near the north window.
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report
Summary of any observatory issues: Peter and Crew Astronomer worked on the Robotic Observatory last Sunday.
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report
Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: Merry Christmas!
Research Report – December 9th
[category science-report]
End of Mission Science Report
I. Project Phantom Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Demonstration
PI/Crew Lead: Trevor Jahn, M.S. Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering
· Objective: Create 3D models of the aera surrounding MDRS, and show its effectiveness in mission planning in tandem with Aerospace’s unique Augmented Reality Software
· Accomplishments:
Demonstrated using Remote Control (RC) rover/robot to collect imaging data to be used for photogrammetry during a spacewalk on Mars
Demonstrated using Aerial Drone to collect imaging data to be used in photogrammetry to create 3D models, and maps, to be used for mission planning during a spacewalk on Mars
Demonstrated stitching together 3D models produced from Aerial Drone images, and 3D models from satellite imaging to create a 3D model of the operational environment that can be updated with new stitched in models
Demonstrated using Aerospace’s Augmented reality software for mission planning and execution
· Relevance: Photogrammetry is now becoming more common place and has already been used in limited capacity on Mars to create 3D models of the planet’s surface. There are also public documents outlining the use of Augmented Reality hardware in NASA’s next generation space suit. This research will lay the groundwork for ways to use 3D models from photogrammetry, and the augmented reality spacesuit capability, together on future space walks and missions on the Moon and Mars.
II. Mirror Coating Experiment
PI: Chelsea Appleget, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
Crew Lead: Ashley Kowalski, M.S. Aerospace Engineering
· Objective: Monitor and characterize mirror surface degradation under a simulated, accelerated environmental exposure over the two-week period at MDRS
· Accomplishments: The crew deployed four different mirror samples close to Marble Ritual on Sol 1. On Sol 5 and Sol 8, the mirror samples were brought in by a morning EVA crew and inspected in the Science Dome under The Aerospace Corporation microscope by Crew Engineer. During the inspections, the locations of abnormalities on the mirrors were noted and images of those anomalous areas were saved and delivered to the PI on Earth. Upon completion of each inspection, the mirror samples were redeployed to the Martian environment on an afternoon EVA the same day. Originally, one final mirror inspection was to be performed on Sol 12; however, upon receiving feedback from the PI on Earth, it was determined that an unexpected anomaly occurred during this experiment. Thus, an EVA was performed on Sol 10 to adjust the mirrors in the field. Additional mirror inspections were completed on Sol 11 with additional exposure time on Sol 12. Therefore, while the original procedures for this experiment needed to be modified, the crew was able to make necessary adjustments to the payload and successfully utilize the unique Martian environment to obtain an abbreviated data set to characterize the mirror surface degradation.
· Relevance: Highly reflective silver mirrors are used in many space applications, but exposure to environmental contaminants can rapidly degrade optical performance. The results of exposure to a simulated Martian environment with dust, variable temperatures, and harsh conditions will be compared to traditional laboratory accelerated environmental testing, allowing researchers to correlate laboratory testing to harsh desert conditions.
III. Ham Radio Demonstration
PI/Crew Lead: Matthew Eby, M.S. Aerospace Engineering
· Objectives: Demonstrate deployment of a ham radio field antenna in a Mars analog environment while wearing analog space suits; Conduct handheld ham radio range test on EVA
· Accomplishments: While at MDRS, the three ham radio operators on the crew (Eby KJ6ZCL, Ferrone KI5AMM, Braun N1VNJ) completed activation and checkout of the new MDRS ham radio station and two of their own handheld ham radios. The crew also deployed the whip antenna with vertical extension while on EVA. Subsequently, crew received transmissions on the ham radio station from as far away as Lithuania and Luxembourg, but the crew did not yet receive confirmation their own transmissions were received. Using the handheld radios, the crew conducted EVA communications tests at several locations around MDRS and determined that the handheld ham radios would make excellent alternative or backup communications to the MDRS EVA radios.
· Relevance: Pending improved understanding of the Martian ionosphere, ham radio communications may be employed to supplement traditional radio communications on the surface of Mars.
IV. EVA Tools Demonstration and Regolith Sample Collection
PI/Crew Lead: Allison Taylor, M.S. Space Studies
· Objective: Evaluate the operational use of the selected commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) tools in accomplishing regolith sampling during planetary surface EVAs
· Accomplishments: The COTS EVA tool suite included a rake and scoop, handheld battery-powered sifter with 75-micron mesh, and special sample collection bags. The crew successfully collected 10 regolith samples from sites near the Hab and known traverse routes in the Tharsis Montes quadrant, the Special Region in the Valles Marineris quadrant, and the Barrainca Butte region in the Charitum Montes quadrant. Sifted regolith is the first step in the beneficiation of material for in situ resource utilization (ISRU), as ISRU requires smaller grain sizes for processing. The regolith samples will be sent to a laboratory at The Aerospace Corporation for analysis to determine if any of the sampled regions near MDRS have compositions suitable for ISRU processing, such as creating building materials.
· Relevance: It is likely that similarly collected samples from the Moon and Mars will be analyzed for purposes such as future site construction with the goal to maximize the use of in situ material.
V. Weather Balloon Release
PI/Crew Lead: Matthew Eby, M.S. Aerospace Engineering
· Objective: Prepare and launch a high-altitude weather balloon in an analog Martian environment and in analog space suits; Measure dust in the atmosphere from ground level to 90,000 ft
· Accomplishments: This experiment leveraged existing Aerospace assets from prior high-altitude flights, including radio, telemetry, and tracking equipment, parawings, and spare weather balloons. To the existing sensor package, a dust sensor was added, requiring modifications to the flight code to add a two-wire serial data interface. An epoxy fiberglass cone was fabricated to house the experiment package. Upon arrival at MDRS, the experiment was unpacked and prepared for flight by loading the flight batteries and assembling the quarter-wave ground plane telemetry antenna. A dress-rehearsal launch was conducted with the team, activating the payload, and checking out the ground station. On flight day, the balloon was filled with 150 cubic feet of Helium. The balloon train (balloon-parachute-experiment) was assembled and in calm air near the ground, then the balloon was sent aloft. Measuring dust in the air, the balloon caught the Jetstream, and the crew tracked the balloon as it rose to the target altitude and then as it descended over the Colorado Rockies.
· Relevance: Balloons on Mars would enable in situ atmospheric measurements that are not feasible with other platforms such as satellites and rovers. Applications for human Mars missions include dust storm monitoring, atmospheric sounding, on-demand or rapid response science missions, and tethered communication relays.
VI. Exercise and Fitness Protocols
PI: Sylvia Kohn-Rich, Ph.D. Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering
Crew Lead: Barbara Braun, USAF Lt. Col. (ret.), M.S. Aerospace Engineering
· Objective: Evaluate Hygear compact fitness equipment and other exercise protocols in space-like living environments
· Accomplishments: Five of the six analog crew members used the Hygear fitness bands and jump rope equipment in circuit-style workout plans, as supplements to other regimens, and in conjunction with videos and other exercises. Crew discussed their voluntary fitness activities and provided feedback on the equipment if used. The fitness bands have a simple and flexible attachment mechanism, ideal for an environment with limited fixed mounts. The bands are very compact and use elasticity rather than weight to provide resistance, as appropriate for a low-gravity environment, but require a moderate amount of free linear space to stretch to their full length. Crew members are finding the jump rope and rope-free weighted handles surprisingly effective; the weighted handles are particularly good for confined spaces. The crew is having difficulty fitting the recommended three 15-minute workouts into their day and recommend fewer, longer workouts as a more suitable regimen.
· Relevance: Maintaining astronaut fitness in low-gravity and limited-space environments is critical to successful space exploration. Evaluating exercise equipment and approaches in an analog environment allows a better understanding of their suitability for interplanetary habitat and space station use.
VII. Radiation Environment Monitoring and Mapping
PI/Crew Lead: Kristine Ferrone, Ph.D. Radiation Physics
· Objective: Demonstrate the use of a handheld portable radiation dosimeter to collect GPS-tagged radiation dose rate data to create a dose rate map of a designated area on Mars or another planetary surface
· Accomplishments: With assistance from other EVA crew members, Commander collected GPS-tagged environmental radiation dose rate measurements at regular intervals using the handheld Radex RD1212-BT radiation dosimeter. This dosimeter records the GPS-tagged radiation dose rate in preset intervals and submits data to a public database (; zoom in to MDRS location on map). The data collected on this mission was also used to create a radiation dose rate map of the area around MDRS.
· Relevance: Crews could use a radiation dose rate map to aid in EVA planning to identify exposed or protected solar radiation areas or to locate radioisotopes on the surface. The GPS-tagged radiation dose rate data could also be integrated into VR/AR models in the future.
VIII. Discord Crew Communication Demonstration
PI: Elias Braun, 10th Grade Student
Crew Lead: Barbara Braun, USAF Lt. Col. (ret.), M.S. Aerospace Engineering
· Objective: Evaluate low-bandwidth, high-latency messaging (similar to texting) as a way for interplanetary astronauts to stay in touch
· Accomplishments: PI developed a special Discord text-only messaging server that simulated the light-time delay between Earth and Mars (currently five minutes each way). In addition to all-crew channels for talking to Aerospace mission support, each crew member had a set of private channels for talking to family and friends. Early bugs in the server were resolved by Sol 2. During the mission, the crew sent and received over 2000 messages across all channels. Crew members used Discord to stay in touch, conduct STEM outreach, consult with subject-matter experts, text with each other, and even to ask friends to look up information from “Earth” internet. The Discord server was highly effective with the relatively short five-minute light-time delay; future efforts might explore its effectiveness as the light-time delay grows to its maximum of about 20 minutes.
· Relevance: Crew morale will be a significant concern on long-duration interplanetary missions where communication is severely bandwidth-limited and time-delayed; this project demonstrates that the simple ability to text might provide an easy way to mitigate these concerns.
IX. EVA Planning
PI/Crew Lead: Allison Taylor, M.S. Space Studies
· Objective: Investigate how well a crew can manage experiment objectives and execution of daily tasks
· Accomplishments: Pre-mission, the crew created a high-level map of major activities showing allocation of the ~24-hour Sol. This was useful in evaluating the durations of major activities throughout the day and how much working time would be available. The second level plan was a Sol-by-Sol map of EVA and IVA activities. This was created with color-coded activity blocks in Excel, which made it easy to manipulate based on changes or adjustments to the plan while allowing all the objectives to remain on the plan. The third level plan included example timelines in 15-minute increments for each Sol. During the mission, the crew understood what they needed to accomplish each day and did not utilize the 15-minute increment schedules, which would have been too restrictive and labor-intensive to create without a mission control flight planning team in place. The 15-minute increment planning would be more appropriate for space station style missions and was not conducive to a more autonomous crew with long communications delays and planetary EVA traverses. Ultimately, the crew heavily used the second level Sol-by-Sol map of EVA and IVA activities as the master plan, which allowed for crew autonomy in management/decision-making. XO managed the schedule and EVA requests and marked major disruptions to the plan. Utilizing the color-coded EVA spreadsheet, the crew was able to ensure enough EVAs were completed to cover the objectives for each of the major experiments.
· Relevance: This mission planning methodology can be compared to existing NASA human spaceflight mission management/planning capabilities, as well as other analog planning approaches. Data on how planetary crews operate, with multiple EVA traverses in the mission plan, is relevant now as NASA is proceeding toward recurring lunar surface missions.
Research Report – December 3rd
[category science-report]
Crew 269 Mid-Mission Research Report
Mid-Mission Research Report
Crew 269 – The Aerospace Corporation Crew
27 Nov – 10 Dec 2022
Commander: Dr. Kristine Ferrone
Executive Officer: Allison Taylor
Health and Safety Officer: Barbara Braun
Green Hab Officer : Matthew Eby
Engineer: Ashley Kowalski
Technology Officer: Trevor Jahn
I. EVA Planning (A. Taylor)
Crew 269 completed on-site training, configured experiments, and prepared equipment prior to simulation start. The crew has been adaptive to EVA planning needs, requirements, site constraints, and other challenges such as windy conditions impacting launch decisions for the drone. The original EVA plan provides a template for mission objectives, and color-coded blocks allow for shifting and replanning daily prior to submitting the EVA requests to MDRS mission support. Our look ahead plan for EVAs includes another mirror payload retrieval, inspection, and redeployment, along with additional photogrammetry with drone, augmented reality demonstrations, tools testing at additional sites of interest, ham radio antenna deployment, and high-altitude weather balloon deployment.
II. Project Phantom Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Demonstration (T. Jahn)
The primary objectives of this activity are to demonstrate using various photogrammetry techniques to create 3D models from data collection done by flying drones, remote control rovers, and handheld devices; demonstrate using augmented reality (AR) software for mission planning, demonstrate AR software for EVA activities, and demonstrate mission planning for using photogrammetry data. Since arriving at MDRS, I have demonstrated using various photogrammetry techniques to create 3D models from data collection done by flying drones, remote control rovers, and handheld devices. Timelapse photos have been collected multiple times from remote control rovers, and the first drone flight to collect timelapse photos has been completed with more planned for next week. Timelapse photos have been sent to The Aerospace Corporation mission support team, and they have been processing them to produce the best outcome for at least a few days. I also demonstrated using virtual reality hardware software for mission planning; at least one EVA was planned using virtual reality and 3D mapping from satellite imaging. I’ve also demonstrated augmented reality software on multiple EVAs and continue to work in conjunction with Aerospace mission support to improve it for the remainder of the mission. I’ve also demonstrated mission planning using photogrammetry data. Data has been uploaded to the Aerospace mission support team for processing to be used in mission planning during the second week of the mission, and I’ve received the first 3D models from the Aerospace mission support team with more expected early next week.
III. Mirror Coating Experiment (A. Kowalski)
Highly reflective silver mirrors are used in many space applications, but exposure to environmental contaminants can rapidly degrade optical performance. The primary objective of this experiment is to monitor and characterize mirror surface degradation under a simulated, accelerated environmental exposure over the two-week period we are here at MDRS. To fulfill this objective, we deployed four different mirror samples close to Marble Ritual on Sol 1. On Sol 5, I inspected the mirror samples in the Science Dome under the Aerospace Corporation microscope, noted the locations of abnormalities on the mirrors, and saved images of those areas. Upon completion of this inspection, we redeployed the mirror samples to the Martian environment on the same day. I will perform two more mirror sample retrievals, inspections, and redeployments during the remaining time at MDRS.
IV. EVA Tools Demonstration and Regolith Sample Collection (A. Taylor)
The main goal of demonstrating the EVA tools is to evaluate the operational use of the selected commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) tools in accomplishing regolith sampling during planetary surface EVAs. The tools include a rake and scoop, handheld battery-powered sifter with 75-micron mesh, and special sample collection bags. Since arriving at MDRS, the crew has successfully collected six regolith samples from sites near the Hab, the Special Region in the Valles Marineris quadrant, and other sites of interest along known traverse routes. The tools are performing and holding up well, and photographs for each collection site have been taken. The sifted regolith is the first step in the beneficiation of material for in situ resource utilization (ISRU) processing, as ISRU processing requires specific grain sizes. The regolith samples will be sent to a laboratory at The Aerospace Corporation for analysis to determine if any of the sampled regions near MDRS have compositions suitable for ISRU processing, such as creating building materials. We hypothesize that samples from the Moon and Mars will be analyzed for purposes such as future site construction with the goal to maximize the use of in situ material.
V. Radiation Environment Monitoring and Mapping (K. Ferrone)
The primary objective of this activity is to demonstrate the use of a handheld portable radiation dosimeter to collect GPS-tagged radiation dose rate data to create a dose rate map of a designated area on Mars or other planetary surface. Since arriving at MDRS, I have collected GPS-tagged environmental radiation dose rate measurements at regular intervals using the handheld Radex RD1212-BT radiation dosimeter. This dosimeter records the GPS-tagged dose rate in preset intervals, and that data can be used to create a radiation dose rate map. Crews could use such a map to aid in EVA planning to identify exposed or protected solar radiation areas or to locate radioisotopes on the surface. The GPS-tagged radiation dose rate data may also be integrated into VR/AR models created by Project Phantom in the future.
VI. Weather Balloon Release (M. Eby)
The main goal of the balloon experiment is to prepare and launch a high-altitude weather balloon in an analog Martian environment and space suits. The experiment will measure the dust in the atmosphere from ground level to 90,000 ft, but the use of balloons on Mars enables a range of rapid response, on-demand science and communications payloads. Since arriving at MDRS, I have tested the ground tracking station. Flight batteries will be loaded into the payload within the Hab this weekend, completing our preparation. Weather pending, launch is expected on Sol 11.
VII. Exercise and Fitness Protocols (B. Braun)
The main objective of this activity is to evaluate compact fitness equipment (provided by Hygear) and other exercise protocols for maintaining astronaut fitness in a confined habitat or space station environment. Since arriving at MDRS, 5 of 6 crew members have used the Hygear fitness bands and jump rope equipment. The fitness bands have a simple attachment mechanism consisting of webbing and a carabiner that can be adjusted to fit into several slots; this makes it ideal for use in an environment with limited fixed mounts as it can be attached to any permanent solid structure at many different heights to facilitate exercising different muscle groups. The bands also are very compact and easy to transport, and use elasticity rather than weight to provide resistance, which is appropriate for a low-gravity environment. However, the bands do require a moderate amount of space to stretch to their full length, which might be difficult to find in a station or habitat environment. Crews are finding the jump rope and rope-free weighted jump balls surprisingly effective; the weighted rope-free handles are particularly effective for confined spaces. The 15-minute workouts are quick and can be done in and around other duties, but the crew is having difficulty fitting the recommended three workouts into their day, especially given the overhead required to change, set up for a workout, and then stow gear and change back into station gear after the workout is over. Crew members are also utilizing exercise videos which allow for a nearly infinite variety in workout types and styles, but which would be less effective in a low-gravity environment. The crew will continue to evaluate the fitness protocols throughout the end of the rotation
VIII. Discord Crew Communication Demonstration (B. Braun)
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate low-bandwidth high-latency messaging (similar to texting) as a way for crew members to keep in touch with family and mission support back “home.” The protocol is set up through a special Discord server which is limited to invited members only. The server simulates the light-time delay between Earth and Mars (currently five minutes each way) and allows only text-based messaging (no voice or video). Each crew member has private channels for talking to family and friends, and group channels for talking to principal investigators, mission support, and STEM teachers back on “earth.” The crew has used the Discord server extensively, not only to communicate with family and friends, but also answer questions from elementary school classrooms and to discuss experiment protocols with principal investigators. In one case, a crewmember used the Discord server to consult with a subject-matter expert back on earth about an anomaly in an experiment setup. The crew plans to continue to evaluate the use of Discord over the rest of the rotation to determine how effective low-bandwidth communication is at keeping crew members in touch.
IX. Ham Radio Demonstration (K. Ferrone)
The objective of this activity is to demonstrate that crews can successfully deploy a ham radio field antenna in a Mars analog environment and space suit to aid in surface navigation and communications. Since arriving at MDRS, the three ham radio operators on the crew (Ferrone, Braun, Eby) have completed activation and checkout of the MDRS ham radio station and two of our own handheld ham radios and trained on the deployment procedure for the antenna. EVA is planned for Sol 7 to deploy antenna and initiate contacts.
X. Green Hab Operations (M. Eby)
The primary objective of this activity is to gain experience in the day-to-day operations of growing and caring for plants in a simulated Mars station. Since arriving at MDRS, I have worked with plants at various stages of the growth cycle from new seedlings, to plants starting to flower, to plants ready to harvest. Edible plants supplementing the crew dinner table are tracked based on weight and date harvested.
Research Report – November 25th
[category science-report]
End of Mission Research Report
Crew 268 – All Woman Crew, Mars Society
November 13-26, 2022
Commander: Dr. Jennifer Hesterman (United States)
Executive Officer/Scientist: Jas Purewal (United Kingdom)
Health and Safety Officer: Elizabeth Balga (United States)
Biologist & Greenhab Officer: Caitlyn Hubric (United States)
Engineer: Judith Marcos (United States)
Journalist: Izabela Shopova (Bulgaria)
Below is a detailed summary of research activities conducted during the mission.
Jenni Hesterman (CDR)
Conducted crew education regarding strategies to enhance knowledge of self and maximize success working in diverse groups in a remote, austere environment. Training sessions included how to take and use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the VARK Learning Preference Tool. Led roundtable discussions regarding leadership, followership and mentoring skills in the analog environment. Delivered a crisis leadership and communications module and conducted a tabletop emergency response exercise. Led a team communication exercise using Legos. Supported the Intertribal Space Conference with a crew video, and Beta tested the new Space ABC nutrition app. At mission end, the crew discussed reintegration and strategies for reengaging in our personal and professional lives when the mission concluded.
Jas Purewal (XO/SCI)
The emotion study surveys have been submitted and will be analysed post mission. QI of the use of the PARO therapeutic robot for mitigating feelings of stress and isolation was completed and will be extremely useful in supporting research on future analog missions.
Training of VR first aid was completed successfully. Three splinting scenarios were carried out by each crew member.
Emergency rescue scenarios were conducted and the crew’s response was very good. Many lessons were learned.
Elizabeth Balga (HSO)
Orchestrated multiple emergency scenarios (including habitat- and EVA-based) with XO to observe crew application of knowledge from VR first aid training, adherence to station and EVA protocols, team problem solving, and overall emergency response. Following each exercise, the crew participated in debrief sessions where several lessons learned were captured.
Supported and maintained crew health and safety throughout the mission, including several minor ailments and injuries. Evaluated the research station for health and safety strengths and weaknesses and compiled a list of opportunities for improvement, including gaps in medical equipment and training.
Evaluated both the one-piece and two-piece spacesuits during EVAs (during field operations, rover usage, etc.) to identify strengths and weaknesses for each and inform future EVA spacesuit and tool design choices, as well as protocols and procedures.
Captured photo and video footage from around the habitat, during suit up, and during EVAs to use in future outreach presentations.
Caitlyn Hubric (BIO/GreenHab)
Sample Collection
I brought 50 falcon tubes with me and I am leaving with 50 unique samples. I have included a table below that shows the sample type and the quantity as well as the different regions I explored and the quantity.
Totals |
Lichen |
11 |
White Rock Canyon (WRC) |
19 |
Plants |
14 |
The Peanut (P) |
6 |
Root Soil |
8 |
The Overlook (OL) |
3 |
Regolith |
9 |
Sea of Shells (SOS) |
6 |
Ice |
4 |
Cowboy Corner (CBC) |
7 |
Mud From Next to Ice |
1 |
Special Region (SR) |
9 |
Small Pebbles From Hill Formation |
1 |
Total |
50 |
Wet Dirt From Shaded Hole |
1 |
Old Water Reservoir Wall |
1 |
Total |
50 |
I collected Lichens because they are able to survive in rocky regolith-like conditions and I would like to study them further as this might help us in our future efforts to use resources already present on Mars, like the regolith.
I collected small samples from different plants I found growing in regolith-like conditions. I collected branches, leaves, and when possible, flowers. I also collected samples of soil from around the roots of different plants. I am going to inspect these samples and attempt to find and isolate microbial life, if any, that I find. I hope to find a microorganism that helps promote plant growth and/or water stress tolerance in these desert conditions.
I have collected different samples of regolith from multiple different locations. I plan to test the pH and NPK values of these samples and compare them to regular dirt and the simulated Martian regolith I work with from the exolith lab (MGS-1 Regolith Simulant).
I will be traveling with these samples back to my lab and using the equipment there to continue my assessment of these samples.
Decomposition Research
I set up 3 different compositions of substrate for my decomposition study. In method 1, I combined wood pellets, brown rice, dead edible plants, and grain spawn. For method 2, I combined wood pellets, dead edible plants, the roots and dirt surrounding the roots of the dead plants, and grain spawn. For method 3, I collected organic waste generated by the crew for the first 5 days of the mission and liquid spawn. The organic waste included coffee grinds, leftover bread/breadcrumbs, cardboard, and other inedible food waste.
All 3 of my methods were successful in decomposition but unsuccessful in generating food for the crew. Around day 9, I saw the presence of contamination which is very common in mushroom farming. The contamination was a green mold, which I have battled in my research back in my lab and commercial growers battle regularly. This mold doesn’t completely stop the fungi from decomposing, as I saw here, but the presence of mold means any mushrooms grown cannot be guaranteed to be safe for human consumption. Once you are able to see the contamination with your eyes it is usually not saveable, so I decided to let it grow and continue monitoring it. In my method 3 that had organic waste, the fungi and mold worked together and are still decomposing, but will likely not make it to the fruiting phase. In a colony setting, this wouldn’t be a complete loss. You could allow the two organisms to continue decomposing and then sterilize it at the end and still use it as a fertilizer/additive to your soil.
The speed at which my fungi began to colonize the substrate leads me to believe that edible decomposers can be a valuable addition to a colony’s greenhouse for multiple reasons. Not only can they generate food for a crew at a faster rate in comparison to fruits and vegetables, but they can also decompose matter and generate a compost/fertilizer blend to add to your greenhouse soil.
Judith Marcos (ENGR)
I have conducted a variety of tests in order to find failure in the design of the prototype Anchor Pleiades. This knowledge will allow my team to improve the design and repeat the engineering design process.
First, I collected a variety of 20 rock samples collected from Hab Ridge and the Intersection of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy on MDRS. The samples were cataloged by its variety in shape, texture and mass for a carry capacity test. While conducting the test it was found that Pleiades was limited by the size of the sample. This prototype is limited to a size range for sample collecting as well as depending on the angle it was collected from.
Then, after being taken in similar geographical terrain such as Mars, three different failures were identified. While in a sim and using a flight suit, helmet and gloves one becomes limited in vision, movement and loses the easy fluidness of movement. Outside of the Hab, it was identified that the prototype was harder to manage than first anticipated. A variety of small details on the prototype were too small to be fixed with gloves on if needed, as well as it was difficult to hold and certain aspects are too fragile to be managed in an external terrain.
As well as being outside, I was able to achieve visual confirmation that the prototype could be affected by external debris as suspected. Being affected by the debris means that over time there will be a loss in function of mobility, usefulness and wear and tear of the material used.
Finally for the prototype, many individual design factors were identified that could definitely be improved. For example: The head of the prototype has no area to grip the anchor with ease, the handle used to lower and lift is too fragile and thin for external use, the bolts used to re/disassemble are too small for use with gloves, the main rod frame is too long depending on the sample being extracted.
Izabela Shopova (COMM)
I was successful in developing a simplified, error proof process for daily yogurt making at MDRS, using lactobacillus bulgaricus (chosen for its benefits for the digestive and immune systems). We had freshly made yogurt daily, served to the crew in a variety of food recipes. I used the powdered milk and kitchen utensils already available at MDRS, which demonstrates the feasibility of making the homemade yogurt part of the analog astronauts’ diet. I also demonstrated to the crew the simplicity of the process and we had a discussion on the health benefits of yogurt consumption. In addition I grew broccoli and radishes sprouts and we harvested them in week two of the mission. They added fiber, vitamins and sulforaphane to the analog astronauts’ diet. The crew filled questionnaires, evaluating the quality of the yogurt, its ease of preparation and suitability for analog astronauts missions, which will add to the great body of data that is already available in the research of gut health and health benefits of lactobacteria.
During the mission I gathered enough knowledge and information about campus operations, EVAs and life at MDRS, which will be included in the pre-mission and mission orientation training modules for analog astronauts, to be completed, tested and presented to Mars Society for approval in the next two months.
I completed a video response to the more than 30 questions from school children from the Bulgarian Space Academy. They were all about Mars, space exploration, mars colonisation and the analog astronauts life and work. It will be presented to the Space Academy next week together with a tutorial on planet Mars and the latest development in Mars exploration.
Throughout the mission I maintained a personal diary, capturing my personal experience and shared thoughts of my crew, to be included in the book I am working on, that will highlight the importance of the analog habitats and simulations for the space exploration and future human colonization of Mars and the Moon.
Research Report – November 11th
[category science-report]
WoMars Mission Plan at MDRS
Nerio I has been the WoMars very first space analog mission under Mars-like conditions. The mission has taken place at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Utah, USA. Being one of the very few all-female MDRS crews, WoMars believes this has been a great opportunity to study the scientific, social, and medical performances of our team. In addition, each of us has conducted innovative scientific research related to our field of expertise and our role as crew members at the MDRS.
There are four main research projects that WoMars has carried out at the MDRS:
A New Deep Space Communication Tool For Astronauts
WoMars made the decision that their analog mission will adopt a ‘high fidelity to Martian conditions’ approach during their MDRS mission. This means that, except for any emergency situations, all communication between the habitat and “Earth” has been subjected to a 5 minute one way time delay. In particular the crew has compared the effectiveness of two communication tools that are designed for use in high latency situations. One of these tools, Latency Governed Messaging (LGM), is similar to the tool that has been adopted in previous similar research experiments in other analogs that have operated under time delay. The other, Space Braiding, is a novel tool also designed specifically for high latency environments. Space Braiding brings structure and space to conversations by organising them into braids. The braids rotate on a carousel allowing each person to engage with the braids in sequence, with time to read, think and respond. The technology makes it feel to participants at either end that they are in a normal, synchronous, conversation. Both LGM and Space Braiding have been designed and developed by Braided Communications Ltd.
Before coming to the MDRS, each crew member had to choose two friends or family members with whom they would like to communicate during the mission and thus, test LGM and Braided communication tools. So that, at the end of the Nerio I mission, all crew members would have communicated with two loved ones using both software tools.
The main objective of this research project has been to compare both software tools and provide feedback to Braided Communications Ltd. once the Nerio I mission. This feedback is crucial for Braided to help develop the Braided communication tool for future space missions.
Visual odometry to determine the position of a robot in other planets
In areas like Mars, where there is no GPS system, or any satellite network developed yet, it is difficult to specify a coordinate system or to move a drone or ground robot to a specific location. Lazarus is a device that enables autonomous drone flights or ground robot missions in environments with no satellite network. This technology has been developed by Dronomy, a spin-off company based in Madrid, Spain.
Lazarus uses state-of-the-art image processing and sensor fusion, combining visual and inertial information for accurate localization. Lazarus is able to read a mission planned by a user, estimate its position in space and based on it, provide the drone or ground robot with the necessary commands to carry out the mission.
Before coming to the MDRS, Lazarus was installed in a robot. During the Nerio I mission, the robot has been tested in many different areas – starting from the Hab’s tunnels and continuing in Zubrin’s Head, Kissing Camel, Phobos Peak and the MDRS Ridge.
The results are helping Dronomy prove Lazarus’ innovative technology in a Mars-like landscape. The data has also helped understand if the algorithm accumulates any drift and will help develop Lazarus for future missions.
Gender and Crew Domination in MDRS isolation research
The psychological impact that astronauts undergo during space missions is a great concern for researchers. The fact that WoMars is an all-female crew, opens a very interesting line of investigation, as it rules out the gender influence and crew domination in mixed groups. This gives the perfect scenario to understand how women interact and collaborate without the presence of men.
WoMars has collaborated with Dr. Inga Popovaite, sociology researcher at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. During the Nerio I mission, all crew members have been writing a diary every night before going to sleep where they explained the most positive and negative experiences during the day. Writing down in these stressful situations has helped the crew to focus, calm down and maintain a healthier environment.
Once back on Earth, the diaries will be analysed and the crew will be interviewed by Dr. Popovaite. The results of this research will help understand the management of emotions in small groups under an isolated confined environment.
Applications and Benefits of Augmented Reality (AR) for Training and Maintenance of a Human Settlement on Mars
The aim of this project is to identify areas where AR could be beneficial, including routinary tasks, maintenance and repair activities. For that, WoMars will record every task performed during the Nerio I mission, and will classify the tasks according to their repetitiveness and degree of difficulty. Then, WoMars will assess the possible benefits of AR as reduction in time or difficulty.
During the first week, the crew did a literature review of previous work on AR applications in space settlements as background for the study. Moreover, the crew started listing possible applications identified in their daily activities and classifying them.
In the second week, the crew will continue identifying potential tasks that could be assisted with AR and the possible benefits as well as other applications for research stations and education activities.
WoMars will start summarising the findings after the mission and the aim to design the structure of an AR tool that could address some of the identified applications. Ultimately, WoMars plans to develop a prototype to test its benefits in future analog missions.
Mission Support Photos and Photo of the Day
Mission Support Pictures and Picture of the Day April 30, 2022
Date: Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 7:10 PM
Subject: [Mission Support] Pictures and Picture of the Day April 30, 2022
To: <mdrs-mission-support>
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