SOL 17: “The potatoes are on the drop zone.”
11:02 AM: This morning, Erin and Célyan went out on another EVA for photogrammetry, accompanied by Meddi. This time, they used a 2D map instead of taking notes on beacons as they did yesterday. Before leaving the area around our habitat, our three crewmates brought into the airlock leading outside the station a small gift from elsewhere. Indeed, the “cargo ships” tasked with resupplying the station forgot two essential items for our kitchen: potatoes and especially salt. Regarding the salt, the crew will have to wait a few more days, but we had the pleasure of welcoming the potatoes into the station this morning.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew worked in the HAB to the rhythm of music and the sounds of the 3D printer, which is slowly building the pieces of the rover SUPAEROMOON. It has given us a hard time, but we are now able to print very good parts that will constitute a robust rover. We did a blind test of Somaya’s playlist while performing our tasks. Some require little concentration, although they can be rather long. For example, I am transferring numerous audio files for the Evolsan lab with which we are working, and Robin built himself a small shelf. The music is welcome!
04:10 PM: The crew that went on the EVA returned at noon, very tired from this excursion. The beacons were more difficult to find than last week, it seems. The beginning of the afternoon was again quite calm, while Robin closely monitors the prints of our future rover, and Meddi and Quentin do their mid-mission recordings for the Twins2 experiment. I am writing these few lines, reflecting on what I will do next. To be honest, I never thought I would have time to draw during the mission, and here I am sketching every corner of the station for an experience. I believe it’s even time for me to start my evening sketches…
06:20 PM: Meddi and Célyan returned from the GreenHab with plenty of good surprises tonight! They harvested all sorts of herbs there, including microgreens. We can’t wait to eat them; our next meals are likely to be green, even if they won’t be salty.