Crew 311 EVA Report 08-03-2025
EVA #: 12 (emergency EVA)
Author: Erin POUGHEON (Crew Commander, HabCom)
Purpose of EVA: Repair the hole in the tunnel system, at the intersection of the Science Dome.
Start time: 3:23 PM
End time: 5:09 PM
Narrative: Depressurization in both airlocks started at 3:26 PM. Crew HSO went out by the Engineering airlock while Crew Scientist and Crew Journalist went out by the main airlock. After getting the materials in the RAM, Crew HSO stayed inside the tunnel system to help from inside. Meanwhile, Crew Journalist and Crew Scientist were on the outside of the tunnels to put the tarp on them. They placed the tarp and started to fix it with zip ties at 4:09 PM. End of repairs at 4:54 PM. Re-pressurization of the Main Airlock at 4:57 PM and re-pressurization of the engineering airlock at 5:04 PM. Everyone is safely inside the station at 5:09 PM. The tunnel system was successfully repaired and operational after 15 minutes of re-pressurization at 5:19 PM.
Destination: MDRS
Coordinates: .
EVA Participants: Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO and EVA Leader) and Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: None
Mode of travel: Walking around the station
Vehicles used: None